A mom from Utah, Sharon Johnson, shared a story that “will melt your heart into a billion pieces.” Although her TikToks are generally about her experience as a mom to six kids, this one is about a mother of a different kind. By the end of the story, witnesses were overcome with tears of joy for a dog named Lola.
A Heartbroken Mom on Mother’s Day
For Mother’s Day, Sharon’s friend went to visit her Mother-in-Law’s home next door and brought along her little white dog, Lola. The dog had recently been very depressed, having lost her two puppies when they were tragically stillborn. Afterward, Lola was heartbroken.
For two weeks, Lola whined and cried, refusing to go on walks. She lost her appetite, and her family was very concerned for her well-being. But on Mother’s Day, something amazing happened!
Meows Coming from Deep Inside a Wall
While visiting her Mom, the family started hearing meowing sounds. Upon investigating, they could hear kittens hiding in a retaining wall. How they got into the wall was a mystery, and they were in so deep they were beyond reach.
Sadly, the kittens’ mother was also nowhere to be seen. Ever since that day, the family has continued looking for her but she hasn’t returned.
“Lola’s family spent hours watching out for the mother, and people are still on the lookout for her. No sign. They’ve set up cages just in case she’s still there 😭❤️,” Johnson said.
Lola Secretly Goes On a Rescue Mission
Meanwhile, Lola was secretly on a rescue mission. Somehow, she was able to find a way to reach the kittens and carried each one away to safety! Everyone was delighted they were free and now, they were able to bring them safely in the home.
By the next morning, the family got the sweetest surprise!
“The next morning when they woke up, they found Lola with all of these kitties, nursing and mothering them,” Johnson said.
Images and media via TikTok/sharon.a.life
Lola Is Back to Her Happy Self Again
Caring for the kittens healed the grieving Lola’s heart. Her depression lifted, her spirit returned to her, and she resumed eating and being her usual, happy self. The chance events on Mother’s Day had healed the dog’s heart and the kitten were also happy to have a new mama to keep them warm.
On social media, many were touched to the point of tears by the story.
“Oh my goodness! Those sweet babies fixed her broken heart. 🥰,” said another TikToker.
“And she fixed theirs! They lost their momma 😭,” said Johnson.
“Somewhere in heaven is a kitty in heaven nursing baby puppies 😭,” said Kay K.
“Omg….you did not just say that. 😭,” responded Sharon Johnson.
‘I Think It’s Made My Year’
After the video went viral, people, of course, wanted updates on Lola and her kitten family. Johnson says she will be visiting them daily and may post an update when the kittens are adopted.
“I CANNOT even believe her nursing them,” said Johnson. “I will be going over every day to see how happy she is. It’s melting me. 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️.”
“I think it’s made my year 😂❤️❤️.”
For more, you can follow along on TikTok and Instagram.