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Springtime arrived in the big city, and it came alive with all kinds of animals, from invasive bugs to raccoons to cats. Each spring, stray mother cats begin looking for shelter for their babies, and you never know where they’ll show up. One friendly mama tabby made an unexpected choice for her kittens in Yonkers. Thankfully, she found a caring animal lover to assist her, and he’s been jokingly trying to get child support from the kittens’ father ever since!

‘Child Support’ for a Litter of Kittens

A musician in Yonkers who goes by AnF420 got a big surprise when he found a litter of kittens inside his grandparents’ large speaker cabinet.

AbF420, thefrontdeskontiktok, thefrontdesk, kittens, Yonkers, New York, Kittens' father refuses to pay child support, mama cat has kittens in a speaker, 2

Images and media via TikTok/threfrontdesk

The family had been caring for a pregnant tabby but were away when she gave birth. So, AnF had to search high and low to find the kittens.

“I looked everywhere until I found them inside this speaker 😂😭,” shared AnF on TikTok. 

AbF420, thefrontdeskontiktok, thefrontdesk, kittens, Yonkers, New York, Kittens' father refuses to pay child support, mama cat has kittens in a speaker, 1

Images and media via TikTok/threfrontdesk

Kittens’ Father Runs When Hears About Them

Safe inside the speaker, the mama continued to raise the kittens until they finally outgrew the speaker. That’s when AnF moved them to a larger box in the house. But they quickly outgrew that, too!

By that time, thousands had become invested in the kitten’s story on social media. Many joked about finding their father. As it turned out, AnF believed he knew who it probably was, a friendly black and white fluffy stray that often appeared near the home. That’s when he hilariously confronted the baby daddy about his kids inside the house!

“You got four kids, bro! He won’t own up to his responsibilities,” joked AnF. 

Every time he brought up the topic, the fluffy tomcat promptly turned his tail and ran away!

“The moment you start talking about kids he ran away 😭😭. He knew,” joked one person.

Video via TikTok/thefrontdesk

Looks Like Child Support is Out of the Question!

Of course, the kittens’ real Dad is the caring musician who bonded with them, including an outgoing grey kitten named Smokey. Nevertheless, he continued to make hilarious videos confronting the ‘deadbeat dad’ about child support. In one scene, he walks up and shows the kitty pictures of his kids on the phone, and you can guess what happened next. It looks like the whole subject is out of the question!

“I’m going to serve him papers,” AnF joked. “Every time I say something about the kids, bro runs away.”

Video via TikTok/thefrontdesk

‘Nawww I’m Out!’

Finally, the tomcat met one of his kittens in person. It looked like everything was friendly until the kitty heard about the three other kittens in the house. At that, he turned his tail and fled into the bushes! 

“He like ‘Nawww I’m out,” joked Michelle D.

AbF420, thefrontdeskontiktok, thefrontdesk, kittens, Yonkers, New York, Kittens' father refuses to pay child support, mama cat has kittens in a speaker, 3

“He was cool up until I said he had three more in the house 😭 after he heard that he was gone 🏃🏾‍♂️😳,” shared AnF.

Of course, we hope that the mama and baby daddy can be spayed and neutered so ‘child support’ dramas like this one don’t happen again and again. Kittens needing immediate rescue is an epidemic across the country, and not only in New York. And their feline fathers are too worried about survival to offer anything helpful, and may indeed pose a threat to them.

But we’re thankful that this kind man and his family are giving such great care to them. Even without support from their deadbeat dad, the kittens all have loving homes lined up thanks to this lovely family.

You can see more of the saga on TikTok and Instagram.

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