Canadian kitten foster mom, Jules, rescued a wild brown kitten named Bear. But it wasn’t easy and she gained some battle scars to show for it. After escaping a TNR trap, Jules caught Bear by hand, and then the bite got infected. But don’t worry; the infection subsided after she received antibiotics and medical attention.
At first, Bear was so scared and wouldn’t eat or use the litter box if Jules watched him. However, she knew the kitten just needed some time to adjust and warm up to her.

Jules tries to pet Bear with a gloved hand after he bit her during rescue. Images and media via TikTok/yikesjewels
Sure enough, Bear dramatically transformed in just a few days once he knew she wouldn’t harm him. Then, the stinky boy went from acting like a wild man to allowing her to gently bathe him. Now, that’s trust!
Jules was surprised at how well-behaved he was in the warm bath, which he desperately needed. Not only was he stinky, but he had some large ticks to remove.
After caring for the cutie for a while, it became clear that he loved any form of attention and snuggles. In foster care, he grew into a healthy, adorable brown ‘teddy bear’ cat with a white belly and one cute white toe.
Below, you can see Bear’s story via TikTok.
Rescuing a Brown Bear Kitten
Online, people were smitten with Bear’s chocolate fur. Many were surprised that Jules found Bear through rescue work. But in any case, rescuers know there are so many beautiful and rare cats in shelters or trying to survive outdoors.
Sure, brown cats are relatively rare and draw attention. But sometimes people can be focused more on the rarity of a cat’s colors over the actual animal. Such folks may then be tempted to seek a breeder even though amazing companions are desperately seeking homes in all shelters and rescues.
And many times, a brown, creamy, or silvery coat called a “fever coat” is temporary and due to a mama cat suffering from stress or illness during pregnancy. Later, a kitten’s fur may change color again after four months to a year.
As always, it’s better to rescue and adopt, don’t shop. That said, we’d agree that Bear is a cutie and his white toe is adorable!
Bear Finds a Home
In the end, what mattered was finding Bear a loving home where he was appreciated for the right reasons. And that’s just what happened!
Bear finally met his adopter and it’s no surprise that he charmed them easily with his playful antics.
Goodbye is the Goal for Foster Kittens
Although Jules was sad to see him go, she knew “goodbye is the goal” for all foster babies. She knows this very well because she has a foster fail, her orange fluff ball, Kimchi, who loved cuddling with Bear.
For more on brown cats, we’ve shared the story of two women who stole a brown kitten from a cat café in Wisconsin. We also shared the story of extremely rare Havana Brown cats from a hoarding situation in Missouri.
Underrated House Panthers
Jules’s other kitty is Haku, adopted after someone rescued him from a dumpster in Quebec, Canada. Haku soon became her best friend and later best pals with Kimchi. This home has many adorable foster kittens, but house panther Haku holds a special place in mom’s heart.
“Black cats are the best. Honestly they’re so underrated,” Jules said.
You can see more and support Jules on TikTok/yikesjewels