Among a long list of bizarre things discovered after a raid at a Mexican prison was an abused, tattooed Sphynx cat. Gang members likely held down the young unnamed Sphnyx cat to give him or her tattoos featuring gang symbols. The cat was reportedly about one to three years old and found alone in a cell at the Ciudad Juarez Cereso 3 prison.
Sadly, the cat may have received tattoos without anesthetic, but remained friendly with authorities. Police found the cat after a massive New Year’s Day prison break.

Image via Reuters
In the news, reports varied about the cat’s well-being and age.
“The cat is very sociable and in great shape, with no infections,” Cesar Rene Diaz, ecology director for Juarez, told Reuters.
Screenshot via YouTube
Meanwhile, animal welfare head Diego Poggio said the cat had a minor ear and eye infection.
“It has a minor ear and eye infection. The issue of the tattoos, as established by our regulations, is animal abuse, as any mutilation or unnecessary marking is considered obvious abuse,” Poggio told local media.
Screenshot via DailyMail/Newsflash
The Kitty Remained Friendly – with People
Surprisingly to some, the cat is friendly despite everything (we aren’t surprised).
“We think it’s funny that he is so loving when he belonged to the prisoners,” Veterinary doctor Giselle Rubio told the BBC. “We thought he was going to be more aggressive but no, he’s very friendly. He doesn’t get along with other animals but he’s rather docile with people.”
Below, you can see Rubio with the kitty in a video from the New York Post:
The Sphynx Cat was Tattooed on Both Sides
Sadly, both sides of the Sphynx cat were tattooed, including the words “Made in Mexico.” However, many may not be aware that Sphynx cats originated in Canada with no connection to Egypt or the Sphinx, which is spelled differently.
After the kitty received veterinary care from animal rescue workers, they were doing great and ready to find a new home.
“Veterinary doctor Diego Poggio shows a Sphynx cat, after it was rescued by police officers from the Cereso 3 prison with a tattoo that says “Made in Mexico”, to announce that the cat is available for adoption in an animal shelter in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico February 21, 2023.” Images via Reuters/Jose Luis Gonzales
Following the rescue, authorities called for the right family to adopt the cat, implying they hoped the kitty would not fall back into the dangerous gang’s hands. The state government opened adoption applications for the suddenly famous peach-fuzz-covered former gang cat.
Video by The Telegraph:
A Furever Home After a Cat’s Prison Gang Life
Then, not long after the tattooed cat made international news, they found a furever home. KTSM 9 reported that a family in Texas adopted the cat, but for obvious reasons, their identity wasn’t revealed. Today, the cat remains anonymous, but we’re sure will be much-loved and cared for.
Video by KTSM 9:
What Was a Tattooed Cat Doing in Prison?
It’s bizarre that a tattooed Sphynx cat became a smuggled prison gang pet, but the story has many outrageous details. Ten guards died in the prison break on New Year’s Day, and 25 inmates escaped, leaving behind their cat. Then, the gang leader, who the cat may have belonged to, died in a January 5 shootout.
Other surprising things left behind in the Ciudad Juarez prison:
- speakers
- barbecues
- mechanical bull
- bulletproof vests
- plasma televisions
- Expensive sneakers
- industrial refrigerators
- 21 rifles and ammunition
- a safe box containing over a million Mexican pesos (over $55K)
According to KTSM 9, authorities found nine pets in the prison, not just the tattooed Sphynx cat.
Somehow, there were no records of how any items entered the prison. It seems the inmates were having quite a time until they decided to bust out and leave behind a brave tattooed cat. Thankfully that decision saved the cats life.
Video by KTSM 9: