A foster mom in Oklahoma remembers one of her favorite furbabies, Louise, an adorable kitten.
Rachel, the self-described “chronic” fosterer, cares for cute kittens in Oklahoma City with her partner Addison. Over the years, they often found caring for foster kittens therapeutic and healing. The kittens needing help kept on coming, including one that rode home on Addison’s shoulder from a worksite.
“There is absolutely nothing a kitten kiss can’t fix 💋,” Rachel said.
Rachel with Chip the foster kitten. Images and media via Instagram/thechronicfoster
A Bundle of Love Named Louise
As we enter the New Year, Rachel looks back on one of her favorite foster babies. Long after the kittens grow up and find furever homes, the foster mom holds loving memories of each life saved. It’s part of what makes fostering kittens so rewarding and healing though it’s always bittersweet to let them go.
“Baby Louise at about 15 days old, sassy and sweet. Louise was adopted over the summer but I can’t help the nostalgia lately 🥰”
As we know, a kitten’s mews are perfectly designed to pull on the heartstrings and illicit the maternal/paternal response. It’s foolproof.
“Complaint Dept(TM)”
When Louise arrived, she was no longer than a toothbrush. At around 7 days old, she needed round-the-clock bottle feeding and constant warmth if she would have any chance to survive. She was just so darn cute that Rachel and her followers all fell in love with her.
“Toothbrush for scale 🌝 she’s been with me for a few days now. Her umbilical cord had just fallen off and is down between her feetsies, and her eyes are just barely trying to open, so I’m guessing she’s about 7 days old. She eats well, purrs, cuddles, and makes my day every time I look at her. Welcome, Louise, I love you so much already 🥰”
Fortunately, Louise was sassy and healthy, and the next day, Rachel tickled her plump belly and brushed her gently with the toothbrush.
Just a few days later, Louise was a plump handful developing a feisty purrsonality.
“Before sass”
Louise Learns How Her Paws Work
At 19 days old, Louise began learning how her paws worked and started wobbly walking.
“Louise is 19 days old today! Her schedule has been very full as I’m sure you can understand. She’s been learning how paws work, and how to walk with all four feet. I’m so proud of her progress,” Rachel shared.
There’s nothing like waking up to tiny little faces like this.
“Good morning!”
Louise Grows Up So Fast
With all the sleepless nights and dedication her foster mama gave her, Louise soon reached a milestone of beginning to eat wet food. Rachel was proud of how far she had come in such a short time. Although it’s a lot of work, it goes by so fast! Without somebody caring like Rachel and Addison, kittens like Louise would not survive.
“Louise has become a very grown-up miss lady, and I’m so proud of her ❤️”
By the middle of the next month, Louise looked like a princess on a throne, but a little camera shy. Not long afterward, the princess found a new kingdom and was adopted. Although she almost didn’t make it, she would enjoy a lifetime of being loved and appreciated thanks to Rachel.
“She would *not* look at me 🙄”
Tiny Walnut Heads Arrive
A few months later, the chronic fosterer Rachel took in three more furbabies to love. Caring for these cuties isn’t easy, and there are challenges and some heartbreaks, but in the end, it’s all worth it.
“After a few months without tinies, we have three new babies. Two boys and a girl, about ten days old. They’re darling, and I’m smitten. If I go too long without kittens I literally *miss* them! Tiny walnut heads, snuffling noises, twitching corn chip ears- my favorite things. 🥰”
You can follow Rachel, The Chronic Foster on Instagram.