The Australian Firefighters are back with rescued foster cats and kittens for the 2023 Cat Calendar. Once again, things are heating up at Cole and Marmalade again, a sure sign the holiday season is upon us.
This year marks the 30th anniversary, and their theme has focused on cats from Best Friends Felines in Brisbane. Some of you may have to strain to see the cats, though! For instance, a black cat named Knight appears with “Hottest Firefighter In The World” Nathan Jenkins this year.
Below are a few behind-the-scenes pictures of the 2023 Australian Firefighters Cat Calendar:
Australian Firefighters Cat Calendar Plus, Dogs, Horses, and Koalas
There are also calendar editions to suit all animal lovers, including rescued dogs, therapy horses, and the mixed animal calendar featuring the beloved Koala. You can even get a calendar with just the hunks, but how could our fans resist the pairing of hunks and cats?!
We’re pleased to honor the annual tradition of sharing these “cool guys” with you.
Best of all, sales help countless wildlife and pets, including some here in the US. For example, it’s the second year the Australian Firefighters Calendar helps Rescue Rebuild, a shelter renovation program of Greater Good Charities. We’re told the volunteers have helped 3,200 people and more than 720,000 pets!
“We are thrilled to be the recipients of sales for the Australian Firefighters Calendar for two consecutive years, the calendar funds will directly help support our Rescue Rebuild renovation at the Wildlife Clinic of Rhode Island to allow the clinic to take in more animals every year and help reduce the stress for the wildlife and the staff.” Liz Baker – CEO – Greater Good.
But there are many other rescues that this calendar helps this year, plus many charities.
- Australian Seabird Rescue
- Fauna Rescue of SA
- Healing Hooves
- Native Animal Rescue
- Wildcare Inc
- Safe Haven Animal Rescue
- Best Friends Felines
- All Breed Canine Rescue Inc

Image via Facebook/Best Friends Animal Society
Firefighters, Cats, CatCon, Kelly Clarkson!
The hunks were in town for CatCon Worldwide in Pasadena, CA, where cat lovers got to meet them in person in early October.
“This place is amazing! 🥰 A morning of cuddles and kisses…if only we could adopt them all and bring them back home to Oz with us! Make sure you get down to @crumbs_whiskers asap and adopt one of these gorgeous snuggly felines! ❤️🐱👨🏽🚒”
Firefighters with cats at Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe in Los Angeles via Instagram/australianfirefighterscalendar
According to Best Friends in Kanab, UT, 136 adorable kittens got adopted at CatCon Worldwide this year, and the firefighters helped make it happen.
Firefighters Dennis, Ricky, Ben, Mitch, and Greig appeared on The Kelly Clarkson Show.
“Personally, for me, I think there’s something symbolic about cats and firefighters,” said Ben Church, who posed with tiny kitten Sketch. “He was just so photogenic. I wish I had more time with him,” Ben said of the kitten.
“Oh my god, you are photogenic,” said Clarkson to applause and laughter. (see below)
Video by The Kelly Clarkson Show:
Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe
The guys also appeared on Access Hollywood, where they visited Crumbs & Whiskers Cat Cafe location in LA. Zuri Hall shared some steamy conversation as the men discussed stories from the photoshoot.
See the video from Access:
To get your hands on the Australian Firefighters Calendar, you can check out their website, Facebook, or Instagram. As of this writing, there is a contest to win a calendar here.
Thanks to the Australian Firefighters for helping thousands of animals and people in need again this year and having a great time doing it!!
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