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Sexy men and cats: If anything could ever rival the cat in sheer popularity on the internet, it’s this. There’s just something about the pairing, contrasting a manly man with a cute fluffy feline. 

Somehow, the juxtaposition of a hunk and a Himalayan seems to amplify the “awwwwwws” for those who appreciate both? We don’t know why, but we know people sure do love seeing them together. 

And who are we to judge, as cat lovers who know men can love cats as much as anybody else? When you put them together, you have the best of both worlds.

Sexy Men and Cats in Similar Poses

The popular blog, Des Hommes et Des Chatons (Men and Cats), has been pairing the two magical ingredients for years. What makes it so alluring is the way they share the same poses, appearance, and mannerisms. It’s almost as if the one transfigured into the other. By posing with a cat, the macho man seems to have a softer side. On the other hand, the cat seems even more comical mimicking the big tough man.

After the sexy Men and Cats blog began, it became so popular Des Hommes et Des Chatons published books and calendars. Then, they branched off to Men with Dogs. Today, you can get your daily fix on Instagram or Facebook.

Today, the topic of hot guys and kittens remains ever-popular. Recently, BuzzFeed shared a “which would you rather” quiz, apologizing in advance for making readers choose between spending time with a celebrity hunk or an adorable kitten. For example, what would you do if forced to choose between role play with British heartthrob Regé-Jean Page or hide and seek with a tabby kitten? A roll in the sheets with Jason Momoa, or roll in the grass with a gray ball of fluff? 

According to the results, it looks like the kittens are winning on both counts by a large margin! Sorry guys, the kittens just have it going on. Maybe try posing with a cat to increase your chances?

sex men and cats poll, Buzzfeed

Poll results so far from BuzzFeed’s recent “Hot Guys Vs. Cute Cats” poll

Sexy Men and Cats

Below, we share some classic sexy men and cats from Des Hommes et Des Chatons. Enjoy!

Sexy men and cats 1 Sexy men and cats 2 Sexy men and cats 3 Sexy men and cats 4 Sexy men and cats 5 hunks and kittens hunks and kittens men in poses with catsmen with cats

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