A mom who fosters kittens in South Carolina decided to follow her passion for books, coffee, and cats.
If we made a Venn diagram, it would probably show that the overlap for people who love books, coffee, and cats is considerable. It might almost look like one big circle. What librarian do you know who doesn’t love cats? And what book lover do you know who wouldn’t love reading while sipping coffee in their favorite book store?
Cats love bookshelves, too, so seeing them hanging out with the books is familiar for any cat lover.

Images via Facebook/The Kneady Cat Books & Gifts and TheKneadyCat.org
A Winning Combo: Books, Coffee, and Cats
Mother of two girls and many cats, Carla Onofrio, decided her affinity for books, coffee, and cats would become a business. So in 2021, she opened The Kneady Cat Books & Gifts in Bluffton, north of Savannah.
A year later, she says, “putting in the hard work” has been very rewarding, although getting her name out there has sometimes been challenging. Over the pandemic, there was time spent in quarantine just a month after the Grand Opening, but things bounced back with lots of effort and creativity.
“I’m happy to say the process of opening and running the store has been quite seamless,” she told the South Carolina Voyager.
As a foster provider for cats, Onofrio wanted the shop to partner with her favorite animal rescue, the Palmetto Animal League. So, she donates a portion of the shop’s proceeds to them. After being open for a month, she was able to make a sizable donation with support from the community.
Onofrio has also adopted four cats who sometimes appear at the Kneady Cat, which sells low-priced pre-loved books and adorable gifts. For example, below are cute cat lovers’ gift baskets.
There are lots of cute gifts for both people and cats.
Sometimes, Onofrio’s cute foster kittens make appearances, and later the rescue finds them forever homes.
Creative Ideas to Help Kneady Cats
The books are for people of all ages, with paperback and hardcover books. She prides herself on the store’s organization, cleanliness and bright and welcoming atmosphere.
“Today is Cat World Domination Day! And Lucy and Charlie are here for it!”
“Sully and Silas say ‘Come play with us today!'”
Recently, the Kneady Cat has been busy making colorful DIY cat toys for the shelter, inviting the community to participate. They’re called “knotty spider toys,” and the Palmetto Animal League says they have been “a big hit” at their adoption center. It’s just one of many creative activities at the shop which help the shelter.

Along with donating proceeds, Onofrio always encourages her community to adopt and help the rescue however they can. In 2021, she says, they saved over 500 kittens! And who knows how many human lives they inspired and touched?
“Maisy wants you to come say hello today! 😸”
For more, you can follow The Kneady Cat Books & Gifts on Facebook and Instagram