Foster kitten foster mom Liza D shared the story of adorable and innocent Guinness, found injured in the middle of a street near Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
In late April, fellow rescuer Carina got a call about tiny Guinness from a man who found him near a park. Wandering alone, he suffered a leg injury somehow.
“He may have a fracture, so pain meds and antibiotics are being administered. He’s so small.💔” Liza D wrote.
Images and media via Instagram/fostering_jellybeans
Thanks to the rescuers, he immediately went to the vet to receive treatment.
Then, Liza D took him in to nurse him back to health. And he was very lucky, as shelters and rescues everywhere are contending with “spring kitten season.”
Guinness is the Cutest Kitten
When you see Guinness in the video below, it’s impossible not to love the little angel. Certainly, it’s hard to think about such a cutie wandering alone, injured, and totally helpless.
“Guinness says ‘goodnight.'”
Next, Liza D couldn’t resist taking pictures of the super-cute Giuness in all his glory.
“Five minutes after I posted..he peed on the couch.🤦♀️. Still snuggled and kissed him.😍”
Caring for Foster Kittens
Although Guinness is absurdly cute, this mom knows the ups and downs of fostering. Everywhere, shelters are overloaded with kittens just like this one, often requiring round-the-clock care to survive.
In another post, Liza D encourages everyone who loves these little furballs to get involved in fostering if possible.
“Gosh…I love this boy, Guinness! 🤍 Don’t you love his innocence?” she asks.
“He has literally depended upon others to survive,” she said. “Helpless. Alone. Without the protection of his Mom,” she writes. “[Guinness] is truly the most precious soul.🤍 But there are many, many kittens like him. They are being born because we failed their mothers!”
Although kittens are adorable, they are born into a harsh world where many will not make it. So, we have to do more to prevent unnecessary suffering. The solution is to make sure pets are spayed or neutered and never abandoned on the streets.
“It is our responsibility to care for our cats! When we move out of apartments or houses and abandon our cats!” she says. “When we believe allowing our cats to have a litter of kittens is in their best interest! [Or] we feel it is cruel to expect them to stay indoors. 💔 “
Interested in Fostering Furbabies Like Guinness?
While the pictures of kittens like Guinness show the fun side, rescuers must make painful decisions, and many kittens won’t make it despite every effort.
“There are so many regular people caring for the most fragile beings and trying to save them. Some are heartbroken because they lose their precious babies. They make excruciating decisions. EXCRUCIATING!!”
Today, more people interested in fostering are generally needed –everywhere. It’s not easy, but it’s rewarding to see kittens grow up and enjoy lifetimes of loving companionship.
“Please consider fostering kittens. Or a momma with babies. Can you spare a little time and gas driving cats to get spayed? Or hold an injured feral cat while it recovers? There are so many ways to help,” Liza D says. “Rescues, fosters and trappers need YOU! Please help!”
😻 Guinness is Growing Up Fast 😻
Another way to help is to adopt a kitten from a shelter or rescue group and never from a breeder. Maybe, a kitten just like Guinness is waiting for you?
“A quick update on Mr. Guinness! He is eating moist food! He’s a great eater! Yay, what a big boy. And he uses the litter box purrfectly. 💩” she said.
Also, she says Guinness loves it when she holds him and “chomps on everything!” To help, she is working on pairing him with another foster kitten to redirect all that boundless energy.
“😻 Overall, he’s such a happy baby. And will bring alot of joy to his future family.❤️”
Meanwhile, Liza D is busy fostering more jellybeans so they can have a happy life. For more from Liza D and Fostering Jellybeans, you can follow along on Instagram and TikTok.
“Yawn…fostering bottle babies is tough but incredibly rewarding! ❤️ Who wouldn’t love little nuggets to smooch?”