Bumble and Rumble are two bonded kitten brothers reunited in foster care after being rescued by non-profit Milo’s Sanctuary. The sanctuary specializes in special needs cat rescue, “where the oddballs are embraced and loved.”
One day, a 3-week-old grey and white kitten, Bumble, stumbled onto a woman’s porch in southern California. As it turns out, the kitten chose the right place to wander because the woman’s neighbor volunteers at the kitten rescue, Milo’s. Her name is Andrea Murphy, who shared the story on Instagram.
Amazingly, Murphy fostered 19 kittens and one momma cat last year.
Bumble Stumbles Into Rescue
Of all places that Bumble could have stumbled, he found his way to the place where an expert could care for him. That was most fortunate because Bumble would need bottle-feeding and medication. Perhaps, whoever dumped the kitten was aware, or maybe it was just extremely lucky?
“Bumble had a kitten cold, an eye infection, and he was not weaned,” Murphy tells Tail Talez.
Images via Instagram/fosterinfelines
Another Kitten Appears on the Same Porch
Now, one kitten appearing on the porch was unusual, but it happened again a week later. Strangely, a black and white kitten of about the same age appeared on the same porch. Fortunately, he was in good overall health. Once again, Milo’s Sanctuary came to the rescue, naming this kitten Rumble.
At first, the rescuers weren’t sure if the kittens were from the same litter. However, once they met one another, it was obvious they were siblings who knew one another.
“There were no doubts that they were brothers. When they were reunited, they actually recognized each other and were so happy to be back together,” Andrea said.
Thus, Bumble and Rumble reunited, immediately cozying up as if they had never been apart.
Bumble and Rumble Together Forever
Now in foster care, the brothers stay near each other at all times. If one of the kittens can’t see the other, they cry in distress. Then, the other kitten comes running back to comfort his brother. Right away, they began playing with their toys, exploring their new home, and having a great time together.
Since they are so closely bonded, the rescuers decided they must always be together.
“These two! They just love each other so much, they’re always together. If one gets too far away from the other, they start crying for each other! Luckily, Milo’s has decided they will be adopted together!”
Over Thanksgiving and the holidays, Murphy took many adorable photos of Rumble and Bumble in the holiday decor. However, we particularly love seeing Bumble looking with wonder at his first little Christmas tree.
On New Year’s Eve, Bumble must have had quite the night of celebration, judging by the way he sprawled out below.
Bumble Versus Rumble Wrestling Match
As Rumble’s name suggests, he likes to wrestle with Bumble, rough and tumble kitten play. However, the kittens are generally very sweet together and have been relatively easy to care for.
“WrestleMania presents Bumble versus Rumble. Not quite sure who won, but it was definitely the cutest wrestling match ever!”
The Sweetest Cuddly Brothers
Murphy says Rumble has been “the perfect little gentleman and houseguest.”
“These two are some of the easiest fosters I’ve had. Bonus: they are also some of the sweetest and best cuddlers, too!” she says.
Before long, they were weaned from bottle-feeding and then, they soon mastered litter training. Also, they met the other cats, quickly learning which cats to play with and which ones were best avoided. Recently, Rumble has become snuggle buddies with an older tabby named Avery.
Soon, the adorable siblings will be ready to find their forever home. Certainly, this pair will make the ideal companions for a lucky family.
“They’re two of the neatest and sweetest cats,” Andrea shared.
Follow Bumble and Rumble and the other adorable foster kitties on Instagram. You may also follow Milo’s Sanctuary here.