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Flowers are known to bloom even in the most dire of situations and the same can be said of an absolutely gorgeous pair of Siamese brothers.  These two were rescued at what must have been the lowest points of their lives. Cats have a way of handling situations without complaint and the same that is definitely true in the case of Mocha and Latte, who were rescued 10 days after their owner died.

What’s even worse, is these beautiful lynx point brothers were victims of an awful hoarding situation. So they were just little furry bags of bones when they were found.

Brothers, Mocha and Latte cats


The Bond Between These Brothers Was Deep.

The kind people at Project M.E.O.W. (Make Every One Wanted) immediately put out the word that these friendly 11-year-old brothers needed a foster home ASAP. Already neutered the non-profit organization made sure they were fully vetted and were, in fact, found to be quite healthy. Now some good meals were in order.

“They are Very skinny from their ordeal and they’ve been enrolled in the patented and award-winning Project MEOW cat fattening™ program,” notes Project MEOW’s social media team.

That sounds kind of fancy but it’s really just a way of having a bit of fun as they noted “it’s more of a play on words to put into our posts. But our fosters do a wonderful job making sure their charges are well-fed with nutritious food.”

For Mocha and Latte, this made a huge difference and the boys loved all the good food.

Brothers, Mocha and Latte cats Brothers, Mocha and Latte cats

Soon The Boys Were Ready For A Foster Home

So the team put out the word that the “friendly mini-tigers” were already for fostering. At first, they specified that Mocha and Latte (who’s extra-specially cute because “his eyes are very crossed”) would fare better in a household with no other pets. But it turned out that the brothers just needed a chance to adjust to being in their new foster home. After a while, they were introduced to the other kitties in the home and got along smashingly.

And there was fun (and catnip) to be had.

Mocha and Latte catnip

We think these two brothers are seriously cute.

But it seems that after a while, Mocha worried that this whole adoption process was taking a bit too long, and so, according to his team he had this to “say” on Facebook.

“Look hoomans, we have to have a discussion. Me and my brother Latte are Certified Good Boys and somehow we’re still with a PM foster mom. Don’t get me wrong — she’s really nice — but we want to have a home of our own again. 2021 has been a..not-so-great year so far, what with our hooman passing away in her home and then it taking a while to be found in her house. It’s true that Latte and I were bags of bones when Project MEOW came and got us, but we’ve been on the patented and award-winning Cat Fattening and Refurbishment Plan™ and our floof-to-cat ratios has dramatically improved, we swear!”

Mocha on Facebook

But the brothers’ patience paid off and they found the loving home they were hoping for.

No more worrying about being hungry or neglected for these two beautiful brothers. Now they can stretch out, relax, and be content; Something they (and all cats) have deserved all along.

“The sweet Siamese brothers known as Mocha & Latte have been adopted! 🎉 Their life turned upside down when their person passed away. But thanks to the diligence of several kind people, they were placed in a foster home and given lots of TLC until they found their new forever home.”Mocha and Latte brothers


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