For sweet 5-year-old feline Cye, life had not been forgiving. She lived on the streets of Virginia as one of the thousands of homeless cats in the state. But the loving girl was also struggling with something that other cats aren’t hindered by. Because she was navigating the streets as a one-eyed cat.
And sadly, not many humans will jump at the chance to save a stray one-eyed cat.
But fortunately for her, there were caring people that spotted her. They scooped her up and took her to the Pittsville Pet Center. Happy to help another unfortunate soul, they came up with the best plan to find Cye the perfect home.
Even if that home happened to be hundreds of miles away.

Photo by: @aws.maine
Because the rescue takes hundreds of animals a year, they were full to capacity. Luckily, they partner with an amazing group of pilots willing to jump in and lend a hand. That group is called Pilots to the Rescue.
Pilots To The Rescue is a non-profit, volunteer-driven, 501c3 public benefit aviation organization. PTTR’s mission is to transport animals and people at risk.
Photo By: Pilots to the Rescue!
Not only did Cye receive the benefits from the volunteer pilots though.
She was one of 30 cats that made the trip from Virginia to Maine where there new lives would begin. The rescued crew were taken in by numerous organizations; 12 of them going to the Animal Welfare Society along with Cye.
It’s been great here at AWS so far. My new friends are kind and gentle, and they’ve checked me out pretty closely at the vet clinic. You see, I don’t have a functional eye on my right side.
Originally I was told it had been lost, but it’s really a tiny non-functional eyeball that you can barely see. The vets here at AWS wanted to make sure that everything is a-okay. And it is, I’m a pretty healthy gal, despite being on my own for a while.Photo by: @aws.maine
So they began to search for the perfect family who would welcome Cye into their home. Even though the sweet girl would require enucleation surgery, the rescue would continue to help.
At my adoption appointment, they will give you all my medical records and explain my eye situation to you as I’ll need surgery to have what remains of my tiny eyeball removed, as to reduce my chances for infection. AWS will cover the cost of the surgery. As for the details – I’ll let the people in the Adoption Center explain it to you – those medical words are far too fancy for me!
Photo: Brock Genest – Cye in her new home
Whoever chose the one-eyed cat as their new family member would just need to love and care for Cye.
It was only a few days before that family came forward to claim their feline soulmate.
Thank you to everyone who was instrumental in saving Cye and all the other animals that cross their paths. Or fly right to them in this case!

Photo by: @animalrefugeleague