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Each morning brings with it unexpected surprises and unknown dangers for the Bomb Unit in Butler County, Ohio. However, somedays are more memorable than others. Most recently, one of their days ended with what some may say is a very unusual tale. It began when they were called to investigate a mysterious package that was discovered on the doorstep of a local church.

The brave officers of the bomb unit were prepared for anything…well almost. 

Because according to their social media post made on the evening of the 18th, Specialist Mike Grimes and Det. Detherage heard an odd sound when they approached the discarded item. 

There was no ticking coming from the non-distinct black Adidas duffle bag.

What there was, was purring! 

Breathing a sigh of relief there would be no explosion, the men opened the bag with a new found anxiety. No one could predict what awaited inside the zipped tomb. And the note that accompanied the contents was heartbreaking, if not mind-blowing. 

“Mom’s name is Sprinkles. She began giving birth at 2:00 pm Wed, Feb 17th”

No one can be sure how long Sprinkles had been zipped in the bag, or if there were kittens when she went in. But there were 6 newborn kittens with her now. And they had all been placed inside an insulated bag within the duffle. Thankfully so, because the temperatures in the area were about 20 degrees tops!

The bomb unit knew they needed to call in the specialists to properly care for Sprinkles and clan. 

So they happily delivered the precious contents to the Animal Friends Humane Society.

Quickly, the new family was all given exams to ensure they were healthy. 

Sprinkles and her newborns were immediately brought to Animal Friends for care late Thursday afternoon. They were all soaked in mom’s urine and needed gentle baths when they arrived. Sprinkles, purring throughout it all, received her vaccines and blood test and appears to be in good health.

Everyone was happily able to “coo” and “aww” over the quickly cleaned, dried and wiggly newborns.

But sweet mama Sprinkles received some much deserved love and snuggles herself. After everything that she went through alone and in the dark, outside left to unknown fates. And to be open to trusting humans still so soon, she better be spoiled everyday for the rest of her life!

Now, the entire family is currently warm and toasty in foster care and once old enough, they will be put up for adoption. Please follow the shelter for updates on the lucky family!

Photos/Video property of Animal Friends Humane Society 


Related Story: Mama Cat Refuses To Leave Her Six Kittens Trapped In Carrier After They’re All Abandoned Together


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