Remember the tale of the 3 ginger brothers we in the Cole and Marmalade family pulled from under a shed in April? Just in case their story was lost in the sea of kittens flooding shelters during “kitten season”, here you go. Well after they were saved from the bleak darkness, the family settled in nicely at the home of their foster mom, Rebecca Williams. Mom would stay with her 3 boys until they were old enough to be adopted out. Feral mom Molly would return to the location, happily, with no more future litters to come.
So the ginger brothers, Percy, Charlie and Bill Weasley, spent the next few months learning how to properly “cat”.
The three nuggets just got fluffier and cuter as each day passed. They were never far from each other. Which just means more adorable photos of cuddle puddles!
And Mom Molly proved to be an amazing caregiver to the boys. Although she never really warmed up to Rebecca, she allowed her to help.
Rebecca could take the boys out for meds or weigh-in’s, but only under mama’s cautious eye.
They all gained weight regularly and made it through their neonatal period with no issues. Charlie, the original runt of the litter caught up to his big brothers quickly. There lives were MUCH different than if they’d not been rescued from the shed and streets!
The Cole and Marmalade family didn’t forget about the three kittens either.
Cat Man Chris was happy to visit the trio–if only for some adorable kitten therapy!
All three of them were turning into fun, loving and gentle kittens. But without those of us willing to rescue and foster these new souls, they’d never have that chance. And without that chance, they would never get to experience love and kindness.
For Percy, Charlie and Bill, they seemed to repay that kindness with every fur on their tiny ginger bodies. In return, that cycle of love just continued–“Paw It Furward” if you will.
By the beginning of July, all three boys were off to their new forever homes!
Bill was scooped up first when his sweet little face couldn’t be overlooked by his new family.
And for Percy and Charlie, they would be looking forward to a new adventure–together!
Looks like there will be some still competition for #1 cutie in their new home. But we’ve got faith in their fluff.
Mama Molly was released back into to the original location at which she was trapped. The homeowners will still care for her and will reach out if she ever sees any issues with her health.
Thank you again to St. Francis Society Animal Rescue in Tampa, FL for helping save this family. To clarify, we at the Cole and Marmalade family couldn’t focus on TNVR or stray rescues without everyone’s support. That goes doubly for the amazing foster homes that work tirelessly to ensure life remains a chance for these felines. These three ginger brothers are only a few of millions out there!
Related Story: 3 Tiny Ginger Kittens Rescued From Under A Shed As Kitten Season EruptsRelated Story: 8 Fun Facts About Ginger Tabby Cats
How can anyone NOT love those adorable little faces??? 😻❤