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Two abandoned kittens hit the jackpot when they were adopted from a shelter by a family in Japan.

Photos: @riepoyonn ~ Bonded Babies

The red tabby is handsome brother Canele.

Photos: @riepoyonn ~ Canele

Amelie is his beautiful grey and brown tabby sister.

Photos: @riepoyonn ~ Amelie

This bonded pair quickly began to enjoy their new home together and all the lush surroundings they were gifted with.

Their favorite being an adorable Ikea doll bed!

Photos: @riepoyonn ~ Their favorite bed

Not only were they happily living the “good life”, they had another feline to look up to; surrogate dad, Sora.

Photo: @riepoyonn ~ Sora

Rescued in 2014 when he was only a month old, Sora, which means “Sky” in Japanese, quickly gained fame through the families Instagram page @riepoyonn.

Photos: @riepoyonn ~ Baby Sora

There was no way they couldn’t share his adorable face and loving personality!

Being raised in the spotlight, he is furmaliar with how to pose in the most photogenic positions.

Photos: @riepoyonn ~ Photogenic Sora

Now he is able to share is wisdom with the twins. This means extensive training for “Tongue Out Tuesday”.

Photos: @riepoyonn ~ Tongue Out Tuesday Training

Sora is sure to keep the kittens looking their best. He grooms them daily and shows them how to “cat”.


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He’s not afraid to put them in their place…even if that means moving them to another location!


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Together the trio are warming the hearts of people all over the world. Their cuteness knows no bounds!

Photo: @riepoyonn ~ Sora Meownitoring

From snuggles to shenanighans!

Photos: @riepoyonn

The “kids” are more than happy to share their creature comforts with Sora, but are sure to be close by.

Photos: @riepoyonn ~ Sora is still “top dog”

He just may be the most chill and relaxed cat in Japan! 


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The kittens have now upgraded their out-of-this-world sleeping quarters, but remain utterly adorable.

Be sure to follow the entire family for more delightful and awe-worthy pics and videos!

Photo: @riepoyonn ~ Sibling Stack

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