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Being smack dab in the middle of kitten season, animal shelters will take all the help they can get!

At the ASPCA Kitten Nursery in the Upper East Side of New York, the team has grown to include one very friendly and attentive bulldog named Nono.


The 2-year-old French Bulldog is currently assisting fostering his 5TH litter of kittens!!! Taking on his role in June of 2017, this will make 17 felines that he has helped welcome into the animal world.

Megan Noes is the manager at the ASPCA’s Kitten Nursery location so caring for animals seems to be a family trait. Megan and her husband are experts in fostering and have helped more than 100 animals over the past decade!

The young playful pup has taken to his duties happily. If he hears furbaby mews, no matter the time of day or night, he immediately runs to check on his charges. Showing an abundance of nurturing, he’ll even groom and clean the kittens.

Photo: Instagram @aspca; Nono inspecting Freddie…very closely!


Having a father figure is very important to these orphaned kittens, and the fact that a dog is stepping in, helps everyone involved.

The kittens will likely be more accepting of canines in potential furever homes, helping to get adopted more easily. For Nono, a small breed dog living in the big city, the sheer size of his surroundings can be overwhelming at times. But retreating to his happy home and relaxing with his favorite furiends can help keep him calm, just like our animal companions do for us humans.

Photo: Instagram @aspca; “Playground” Nono and his current fosters, Frankie, Finley and Freddie


Megan assures everyone that, “We always let the kittens come to him. It’s important they have that choice and plenty of options for escape. We monitor them carefully.” The kittens and Nono are kept separate when humans aren’t home just to be extra cautious.

Not all species can coexist as peacefully as Nono and his surrogates. He has been trained to be “gentle” when his natural pup excitement rises, earning treats when he calms down. City dogs also benefit from lots of exercising walks to release the energy rural dogs can expend by running in yards.

This family has found the winning combination in the special foster dad, Nono. Megan belief is that “saving as many kittens as possible takes a village. Fostering is one of the best things you can do for the animals in your community.” 

Photo: Instagram @aspca; Nono and Frankie get snuggly

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