Feral cats and their plight is something that has always been close to my heart, it makes me so sad to think of the millions of cats out there struggling to survive day by day … they didn’t choose to live out on the streets, but for one reason or another that’s where they’ve ended up and many of them depend on kind hearted humans to care for them.
While we were living in California I met Christine Hubbard the founder of Love Your Feral Felines their mission is to improve the lives of feral and abandoned cats/kittens and they were definitely doing that! … Christine is someone who walks the walk and goes above and beyond to save lives, I learned a lot from her and she was very inspirational to me and a big reason why I wanted to start doing more rescue work myself.

National Feral Cat Day 2015, we donated a bunch of food to help feed feral cat colonies in our area!
So I thought it was very fitting that Christine would be the first person we feature in our SuPURRhero Spotlight series where we highlight some of the pawsome ladies and gentlemen out there doing their part to help cats!
I managed to track her down and ask her some questions, enjoy…
Tell us about your first cat and how they came into your life…
I personally own two cats Khalil and Rocky and have been with me for 10 years now and they are my everything, but I think I have to tell you about my first feral cat Bob. He is the reason why I know so much about feral cats. One day when I was coming home from a late night walk I noticed a cat run by. Our area is not a safe place for cats so I was surprised to see an outdoor cat, I sat outside for hours trying to lure him in with food but he wasn’t having it. I went in and thought I’d never see him again… To my surprise the next day there he was sitting in my yard waiting for me!
For 3 years he came to my home every day for food, in those 3 years he only allowed me to get a couple of feet away from him. I would have given anything to hold or touch him… Bob passed away suddenly and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of him, he taught me how to love a feral cat.
When did you start helping cats?
In April 2011 I started volunteering with a local shelter. I was working with all the adoptable friendly cats. From time to time I would see cats come in in traps and when I found out what their fate was I knew I had to help them. Since that day I have been working to improve the lives of feral cats.
You could be doing lots of other things with your free time, what drives you to help cats/dogs in need?
I am constantly viewing the shelter intake of feral cats and just seeing one photo of them is all I need. I know without me and my rescue they will die, they need me and knowing that gives me all the drive I need.
Tell us your fondest memory about cat rescue/volunteering…
This is a tough one because there are so many… I think the thing that touched me the most is seeing the love and support we get from people all around the world. We are not alone in this and that means the world to me! Anytime we need something our supporters are right there. Whenever I am having a hard time they are there to pick me back up. Rescue isn’t an easy thing but having the love and support is what gets me through it.
If you could change one law to help save feline lives what would it be?
I think I would make it a law to Trap-Neuter-Return ALL feral cats… that no shelters would take feral cats they would only offer spay and neuter services.
What advice would you give to people thinking about volunteering or helping with animal rescue?
I’ll be honest not every day is easy but for me volunteering with feral cats is the most fulfilling thing I have ever done. Being able to look into the eyes of a cat and tell them they’re safe is the most rewarding feeling in the world!
I want people to know that one person can absolutely make a difference. I am living proof. Please check out your local feral cat rescues, they’re the ones that need the most help. Many people want to work with the cute cuddly kittens and don’t get me wrong that’s great, but it’s the feral cats that need you the most!
What’s your motto or favorite quote?
Rescue is a lifestyle. It’s not a hobby. It’s not a passing fad. You live it… Breathe it… Love it 24/7. Your purpose for living is to change the life of a shelter pet… One at a time. If you don’t get it, You don’t get me.
WATCH the video of when I followed along to see how Love your Feral Felines volunteers feed their feral cat colonies … You can also find LYFF on Facebook!
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