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In the CaM household, 2016 was accompanied by many firsts….we moved to Northern Illinois where Jess grew up and lived until she was 25. This region however was NOT fur-miliar territory for Chris nor Cole and Marmalade and when the first big snowfall hit, all the boys were in for quite an icy shock!

Moving from Tampa, FL in 2014 to Southern California for a year and a half, the boys had been accustomed to going for walks in the beautiful sunny and tropical weather these states offered. They were both harness trained and LOVE watching “Kitty TV” a.k.a. any window available until we caved and journeyed out on an adventure. Walks were dotted with palm trees, hummingbirds and warm sunny concrete slabs.

Illinois winters brought a whole new experience. With the first flakes that dropped, both Cole and Marm were mesmerized by the fluffy white mystery falling from the sky. Unsuccessful attempts to catch these descending crystals through the windows was, although frustrating for the boys, very entertaining to us evil humans. Squirrels bounded and dug in the piles of snow for buried nuts, teasing the cats of unknown adventures they were excluded from. Meows from Cole to go out into the unknown made us wonder how they’d react to the frigid layer of the cold white blanket covering the yard.

We caved and decided to take them out and see how they reacted.

…Impatient cats sat excitedly, barely allowing us to put on their harnesses and leashes.

The sliding door opened and Cole bolted outside. Marm slowing stepped down the step, unsure if he had made the right decision once the frosty air hit his tiny pink nose.

The first furry black paw print imprinted into the 1 inch snow layer only to IMMEDIATELY be retracted with a look of surprise and confusion on Cole’s face. He bravely fought through the bitter shock and ventured down the 3 snow covered stairs. Looking around he realized that this wintry wonderland had not only covered his beloved warm concrete steps, HE WAS SURROUNDED by it! He bounded back up the steps, shaking his back legs when the wet snow tingled through his foot floof.

Meanwhile, back on the top step, Marmalade’s original bewilderment at the wetness underfoot led to a quick hippty-hop into the snow covered pile. He bounded across the width of the stair in an attempt to flea and quickly accepted that this was not his idea of a good time. He slipped into reverse, backing up one paw at a time with bewilderment at what covered his already white tiny paws.

Both boys retreated back into the warmth of the house, where harnesses were gratefully removed and jellybeans were patted dry with a warm fluffy towel. Treats were given and love for saving their lives from the arctic land was well received.

Needless to say, it only took 30 seconds to realize that viewing the falling snow from near the warmth of the fireplace indoors was preferred by all!


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