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Admittedly, in this case, the title here is pulled is directly from the cutest foster kitten story. The tale tells of two tuxies with extra toebeans and their family. It was experienced and clearly creative foster mom, Jennifer Crawford that has relayed their story for us all under that title. It began in early February 2025 through the Happy Tails Pet Sanctuary, in Sacramento, CA foster program. On Jennifer’s Instagram page @the_house_of_floof, she shared the first sneak peak photo of the incoming family. Little did everyone know that they were about to be overwhelmed with some very special kittens.

Tuppence and Tommy Beresford and the Case of the Extra Toebeans

While we all know that once in foster care, their lives are looking up, these kittens seem to be cautiously suspicious. And it makes for the cutest introduction photos. 

Say hello to Hercule Poirot, Tommy and Tuppence Beresford, and (momma) Jane Marple. (If you’re a mystery fan, you might figure out the naming theme.)

Hercule Poirot

Tommy Beresford

Tuppence Beresford

The babies are about 4-5 weeks old, and Tommy and Tuppence are polydactyl (they have extra toes on their front paws).=””>=””>=””>=””>=””>=”1440″ height=”1440″>

Jane Marple is a such a gorgeous little thing. She is still extremely protective of her babies, so her first reaction to any strange noise or movement is to hiss. But ten seconds later she will shove her head in your hand, trilling and demanding attention.

Mama Jane Marple

Some Days are More “Rough Draft” Than Others

Now that the family was safe in a loving and caring foster home, they could simply enjoy life. And the majority of their days were spent snuggling together on their humans lap.

But as many foster parents know, rescued street kittens usually have unknown viruses that irritatingly pop up. These can turn extremely dangerous though very quickly. It’s these issues that tend to end the lives of strays and ferals with no one to watch out for them. Jennifer was on top of things though with a watchful, magnifying eyeglass-like dedication. Soon, things were looking better thankfully.

The last couple days were really rough. Tuppence started throwing up on Friday, which, combined with the severe diarrhea, meant she started losing weight rapidly. A trip to the vet later and we had a small pharmacy on our counter of oral, injectable, and transdermal meds for the whole family, and I was feeding Tuppence every couple hours, just to try to keep at least *something* in her tummy.

The good news is that the meds are working. The litter box looks less like a toxic waste dump every day, and Tuppence is gaining weight again, which is a huge relief.

Hercule Poirot and the Case of Being Too Cute

Their brother Hercule Poirot may not have extra toebeans, but there is always chaos afoot when he is on the case! Whether that be the triple threat of the ball tower or a feisty banana foe. Do not laugh at his cuteness as he is in serious mode!

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A post shared by Jennifer Crawford (@the_house_of_floof)



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A post shared by Jennifer Crawford (@the_house_of_floof)

A Surprise “Twist” is in store for Tommy  

While scrolling through their ever growing tale via photos, you’d never know Tommy was any different. But his poor back leg was twisted, yet never hindering him from fully “kittening” out. Something would need to be done and thankfully Jennifer reviewed all options. It may not be a perfect solution but you know Tommy has plenty of toebeans to balance on three legs instead of four.

Because I know some of you are wondering, here is the plan for his wonky backwards leg. After assessment from several veterinarians, they’ve determined that the best option for this adorable floof is to have it removed at the same time he gets neutered. This will happen once he’s big enough / old enough for surgery.

Per Jennifer’s Caption: Tommy Beresford demonstrates a heretofore undiagnosed condition: Resting Astonished Face

We’re wishing all the babies easy spay/neuter and Tommy’s tripod surgeries and will be sure to follow along for all their heartwarming cases in their futures!

All photos/videos property of Jennifer Crawford @the_house_of_floof

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