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Four of the cutest kittens ever, Bertha, Brie, Bjoern, and Bertram, arrived at a Santa Clarita-area rescue. And they were so perfect it was an easy selling point to ensure they were adopted in bonded pairs. Heck, why not adopt the whole B-litter because they’re ridiculously cute?

As we’ve shared many times, adopting kittens in bonded pairs or more can make it easier for us humans in many ways. Sure, there’s a little more cleanup, poop, and more tiny mouths to feed. Veterinary care expenses are more, too, but if you have the means and are committed to caring for them for a lifetime, bonded kittens will endlessly entertain one another – and you!

Brie the kitten at CAAT Friends, B-litter

Brie and Bertha the kittens. Images via Facebook/CAAT Friends

As they wrestle, they’re working out boundless energy that might otherwise be directed in less favorable ways. They’ll be endlessly entertaining, and they teach one another about boundaries, such as not clawing and biting so hard because, as tiny as they are, the needle-like teeth and claws hurt! Trust us, it’s a valuable lesson you’ll be glad they taught one another. 

The B-Litter: Bertha, Brie, Bjoern, and Bertram

CAAT Friends introduced the world to the B-litter. They were almost six weeks old and all doing well, which is not typical for kittens born outdoors.

Brie the kitten at CAAT Friends, B-litter, 2

Brie the kitten at a CAAT Friends foster home

It would only be a couple more weeks, and then they’d be ready to find a home in bonded pairs. Out of many thousands of kittens born outdoors, they were among the luckiest few to survive.

 “Aren’t they the cutest litter ever?!” they shared.

B-Litter, Bertha, Brie, Bjoern, and Bertram, CAAT Friends, Adopting in pairs, duos, 2

Rescued in a Garage

Seven days later, the B Kittens were already looking bigger. They grow so very fast, in the blink of an eye. And these four were very fortunate to be so healthy because of attentive cat lovers. 

“These four beautiful babies came from a feral mom who some Good Samaritans were feeding in their garage,” shared CAAT Friends. “One day, they woke up to a bunch of babies running around!”  

B-Litter kittens at CAT Friends, Bertha, Brie, Bjoern, and Bertram

z Top left: Bjoern, Bertha. Bottom left: Brie, Bjoern

In addition to saving the four cuties, the rescuers also helped the mama and one of her older kittens.

“This is one lucky bunch because, with the help of one of our fosters and the Good Samaritans, we were able to secure the babies and TNR Mama and another teenage kitty who is thought to be an older kitten of hers (who continues being fed and cared for by the homeowners).” they continued.

Bjoern looks at the camera

Bjoern looks at the camera

Bonded Pairs – Required

After reaching the spay and neuter milestone, the kittens were ready to go out into the world. And the rescue required either: A) Adopting a bonded pair of the B-litter. B) That the home should have a friendly, playful cat or dog for the kitten to bond with.

Brie the kitten at CAAT Friends, B-litter, 3

Brie looking ridiculously cute

“Looking for a pair? Brie has 2 brothers and a sister!” CAAT Friends shared. “This gorgeous floof is a little bundle of joy. She is very energetic and loves chasing her tail around in the cat tree. Sometimes, she sneaks upstairs to sleep with the Foster families German Shepard. She is litter box trained, and loves her foster families’ children and adult cats,” they wrote.

Bertha and her sibling playing

Bertha and her sister Brie playing

Happily, all four of the B-litter found loving homes. The rescue was delighted when Bertram went home with Bjoern.

Bertram the kitten, adopting in pairs


They were among the luckiest and cutest of kittens thanks to Good Samaritans, the rescuers, and everyone who supported their efforts.

Bertha the kitten

Bertha grows up

You can follow and support CAAT Friends on Facebook, and Instagram.

Bjoern, B-Litter, adopting in pairs



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