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If you are one of the millions of people raised in the late 70’s-early 80’s you likely well aware of a famous cartoon character named He-Man. The barbarian prince was found in comics, TV series and action figures. He fought bravely with his friends and companions by his side to defend his home planet. Our favorite secondary character is his pet green tiger, which is apparently allowed on other planets. The popularity of the muscled superhero knew no bounds during this time. Over the years, the iconic prince has stayed within the hearts of his fans. One man has now turned these familiar faces into something many of us “cat servants” can relate to.

What he’s shown us of He-Man’s daily life is nothing short of hilarious! 

Ed Harrington is the artist behind the comical “cat life” conceptions. You may be familiar with his Instagram page, @nothinghappenedtoday, and you wouldn’t be alone either. He currently has over 132 thousand followers! Be sure to follow if you enjoy some warped, over-the-top debaucherous cartoon humor too. 


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More Eternia problems. #HeMan #MastersOfTheUniverse #motu #battlecat

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While they may not all be there for the He-Man fun, we think our supporters will relate to these the most. But first a bit of background on our hero for those unfamiliar with He-Man’s work. 

He-Man is the principal superhero of a series of comic books and several animated television series, characterized by his superhuman strength. In most variations, he is the alter ego of Prince Adam. He-Man and his friends attempt to defend the realm of Eternia and the secrets of Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor.

By the time the animated series launched, He-Man’s character had evolved from the original action figure persona. 

His true identity was Prince Adam of Eternia, son of King Randor and Queen Marlena (an earthling). [He] ruled the Kingdom of Eternia on the planet of the same name. The Sorceress of Castle Grayskull endowed Prince Adam with the power to transform into He-Man. Adam did [this] by raising his Power Sword and proclaiming, “By the power of Grayskull…” Once the transformation was complete, he continued “…I have the power!”.He also is able to return to his former form by saying, “Let the power return.

He-Man possessed super speed, indestructible skin, and superhuman strength.

Some of his powers even seem reminiscent of catty abilities to us! 

He-Man’s prowess is not limited to strength. He is also depicted as being extremely quick and acrobatic. His speed has been demonstrated by running fast enough to escape massive explosions. And moving his arms fast enough to counteract the winds of a tornado. He-Man can also leap great heights. Usually flipping through the air several times before landing safely on his feet.

He-Man’s faithful tiger companion also benefited greatly from his Grayskull power. 

Turns out in his world, tigers may not all be the ferocious beasts they are in reality. *This does NOT mean Earth’s tigers can be pets–keep that important fact in mind! For He-Man’s tiger named Cringer, his fearful purrsonality also received a much needed power boost.

Prince Adam’s pet was a cowardly green tiger named Cringer. When Adam became He-Man, he transformed Cringer into a brave armored green tiger named Battle Cat. This was done by pointing his sword at him – an ability Adam discovered accidentally during one of his transformations into He-Man.


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More #EterniaProblems #heman #battlecat #mastersoftheuniverse #motu

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Cringer, naturally, cowered in fear at seeing what Adam had become. While reassuring him that nothing had really changed, Adam pointed the sword of power at Cringer. [Which] sent a bolt of energy toward the tiger and transformed him. Battle Cat served as He-Man’s steed and fierce fighting companion ever since. Cringer’s name is thought to have come from the cat’s cowardly nature.

But even though Cringer/Battle Cat is a fierce warror (at times), he is still a cat at heart. 


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Playtime in Eternia ? #heman #battlecat #MastersOfTheUniverse #motu #iHaveThePawRrrr

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And we all know, cats of all sizes follow “Cat Logic”, as seen in Ed’s illustrations. Enjoy! 

Bathroom breaks on Eternia look to be about the same as our house.


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Life with Battle Cat. Anyone else here with a cat that won’t let you have any privacy? ?? #HeMan #BatttleCat #MastersOfTheUniverse #MOTU

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A cozy night in Eternia – now available as a shirt or poster! Neatoshop link in my profile ??? #Skeletor #Snuggie #MastersOfTheUniverse #MOTU

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It’s our responsibility to care for our pets, even during scary vet visits, and even if you’re He-Man!


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Battle-Cat Carrier!!! #HeMan #MastersOfTheUniverse #Eternia #Battlecat #MOTU

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It’s not only He-Man; Skeletor seems to have a soft spot for the felines too! 


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A cozy night in Eternia – now available as a shirt or poster! Neatoshop link in my profile ??? #Skeletor #Snuggie #MastersOfTheUniverse #MOTU

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Not a He-Man fan? Here are some silly Thundercats creations, another 80’s feline themed cartoon for your amusement! 


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When you have to defend Third Earth from Mumm-Ra but still have household chores to do. Available in my Neatoshop, link in my profile. #Thundercats #LionO

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Really quick Thundercats drawing in between projects #liono #thundercats #ififitsisits

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Shopping with Lion-O. This is basically my life. #ThunderCats #LionO #Caturday

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Another really quick Lion-O drawing. #thundercats #liono

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Related Story: New Breed Of Big Cat Attacks: Urban Grandis Cattus!

Related Video: 10 Ways Domestic Cats and Big Cats Are Similar

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