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Often times, female cats–even a senior cat–make for excellent caretakers. Not only are they wonderful mothers to their offspring, but they can even care for their purrsonal possessions, too! But really, even male cats can make for sweet and loving caretakers as well.

For example, this little clip of a gray kitten hugging his teddy bear has set the internet into cuteness overload ever since its debut some years ago…I know it’s still one of my all-time favorite cat videos on the internet!

For a black and white tuxedo senior cat named Pixie, she takes it up a notch in the cuteness overload department by taking her favorite toys on tiny excursions around her home and the areas surrounding her home. 

(And before you shame her mother for allowing her to travel outdoors, please bear in mind that it is common practice in the UK to allow cats to travel outdoors.)

Pixie, proud cat toy mom

Beth Wilson, Pixie’s cat mum, tells The Dodo:

“If she notices that I’m watching her, she stops and puts the toy down… In summer she likes to take them into the garden,” Wilson explained. “Sometimes she just takes them for a tour and then back in the house. Other times, they get left in the greenhouse. If I put a blanket on the grass to sit on, she will put toys on it.” 

Luckily for us, Beth is able to take some quick snaps of precious senior cat Pixie in action, and the images are oh-so-adorable!

Look at little Pixie carrying her look-alike tuxedo toy in the garden!

And check out Pixie here just chillin’ with one of her other favorite “cat” toys…Those paws are making my heart skip a beat!

Gingy baby cuddles!

And here she’s sunbathing with her little teddy bear!

Pixie and baby catching some rays!

If her teddy bear fancies a stroll, Pixie is ready to take the reins and show him around the garden…

Just taking a little excursion with my wittle teddy bear!

And here she is taking her cat toy for a stroll and some vitamin D!

Her owner rescued her when she was just a wee kitten, and since that very day she’s brought her endless joy and abundant smiles…

“I got her as a kitten 12 years ago,” Wilson said. “She totally changed my life … She takes care of me when I’m feeling bad and she always cheers me up.” 

Pixie carrying her tiger toy

And when it comes to those chilly months, Pixie keeps her toy excursions indoors–as shown above.

A special thank you to Beth for sharing these lovely images and her story with The Dodo, we surely enjoyed her sweet senior kitty–and we’re sure you did, too.

Pixie knows, life is meant to be enjoyed with someone by your side, and we’re impressed by her maternal instinct to show her toy babies a good time. Here’s to you, sweet Pixie girl!


Related Story: 7 Signs Your Cat Is In PainRelated Story: Cat Sadly Returned To Shelter Due To Manageable Stomach Issues; Waiting 6 Years For Someone To Love Her For Who She Is


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