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For any newborn exploring a multi-level home, there are new obstacles at every turn. However, the stairs can be particularly confusing for any animal that has never encountered them before. Even the largest of adult dogs can find them scary if they’re unfamiliar with them, But for a tiny puppy, it can be like a gauntlet of bewildering proportions. In this case, a kitten teaches a puppy the ropes in the cutest way!

Family Introduces New Puppy to the Stairs

As the story goes, the small scruffy puppy and kitten met in their new home. But as you can see, he already has a best buddy, a tabby kitty. Together, they snuggle in a red bed.

Kitten and puppy cuddle in a red bed

Images via YouTube/Animal Bond Stories

After the cuddle session, the human family decided it was time to introduce the puppy to a daunting white staircase. As you can see, it has smooth white tile surfaces, which are slippery for any pet. As the puppy sits only a couple of stairs from the floor, their human tries to encourage them. But without guiding them by hand, the puppy wasn’t confident to try it alone.

Kitten teaches Puppy, Stairs, Climbing stairs, kitten shows puppy how to use stairs, Kittens shows puppy how stairs work, Tabby kitten with puppy, New puppy learns to climb the stair, stairway, Animal Bond Stories, puppy looks puzzled

Puzzled puppy

Kitten Teaches Puppy to Take the First Step

Enter the kitten teacher! As the befuddled puppy sat still, the tabby walked over. Amazingly, the kitty seemed to know what the assignment was, tapping the dog with a paw as if to say,” I’ll show you. Watch me!” As you can see, the body language is so clear that it’s a little shocking!

Kitten teaches Puppy, Stairs, Climbing stairs, kitten shows puppy how to use stairs, Kittens shows puppy how stairs work, Tabby kitten with puppy, New puppy learns to climb the stair, stairway, Animal Bond Stories, kitten teaching a dog

After climbing a level about the puppy, the kitty tapped him or her on the back. “Look, this is what you do,” the kitty seemed to be saying. Once again, the message is so evident that it’s a little surprising to watch (see video below). Are they ‘talking’ to one another?

Kitten teaches Puppy, Stairs, Climbing stairs, kitten shows puppy how to use stairs, Kittens shows puppy how stairs work, Tabby kitten with puppy, New puppy learns to climb the stair, stairway, Animal Bond Stories, puppy looks at kitten above

The Puppy Learns To Be Confident

With the kitten’s encouragement, the puppy started to slowly build confidence. But just when the pup was about to take the plunge to the step below, the kitten teacher came over one last time. This time around, it’s as if the kitty is saying, “Ok, wait a second, stand back. Watch carefully what I do again and try it. You can do it!” This part is perhaps the most unexpected of all.

Kitten blocks puppy as if to say, 'Wait, watch me do it.'

Kitten blocks puppy as if to say, ‘Wait, watch me do it.’

Afterward, the puppy finally took the plunge to a step below.

Puppy gets confident to try jumping to the lower stair

And the satisfied teacher rolled over on the blanket at the last step, satisfied with their puppy pupil!

“See? I told you it wasn’t so hard!” the kitty seems to be saying.

Kitten teaches Puppy, Stairs, Climbing stairs, kitten shows puppy how to use stairs, Kittens shows puppy how stairs work, Tabby kitten with puppy, New puppy learns to climb the stair, stairway, Animal Bond Stories, kitten rolls on belly at the bottom

To us, it sure looks like a kitten teaches a puppy the ropes in this home. If so, it’s voluntary, altruistic and intelligent behavior showing a kind concern between different species. As we see all the time, cats and dogs can be the best of friends. And the nonverbal communication on display here is amazing to see!

Kitten leaps to lower stair while puppy watches

While we see Spanish and Chinese captions on the video, we’re not sure where these two live now. But wherever they are, we hope they’re still having a great time leaning together.  

See more cats discovering stairs for the first time in our previous article. And watch cats take liquid form down the stairs here!

Video by Animal Bond Stories:









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