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Do you remember your favorite stuffed animal as a kid? Or maybe you still have it today? Years after growing up, we still fondly remember our fuzzy friends. And, purrhaps the same is true for foster kittens growing up with their favorite stuffy. Here’s one such example, a kitten named Chamberlain growing up in a loving foster home in Los Angeles.

Four Lucky Kittens Start a New Life Without Their Mama

Four adorable rescued bottle babies, Chamberlain, Chancellor, Chapel, and Chartreuse found themselves at a Los Angeles shelter with no mama. But they were very lucky, among the few to make their way to the shelter and then to a loving foster home.

With no mama to feed them, they were very hungry and began suckling on one another. Although three of the kittens wanted to be together, their new foster mom had to separate them for their own good. Meanwhile, tiny Chartreuse was already by herself due to being much smaller and needing more individual attention in the always-warm incubator.

As you can see, each of the kittens had their own little stuffed animal friends so they wouldn’t feel so lonely and afraid.

Orchid and Oasis, Los Angeles, Chamberlain the kitten, Chancellor, Chapel, Chartreuse, bottle baby kittens, Los Angeles, Stuffed animal friend for kittens, suckling, preventing suckling in kittens, California, 1 neonatal kittens, neonates

Images and media by Orchid and Oasis/Instagram

Suckling Behavior Looks Harmless But Isn’t

As we’ve shared before, foster kittens without a mama, and even some with their mama, can get a little confused. Their instinctive suckling action helps them find food and relieve stress. But when they do it to each other, it can be a real problem. Although it may look harmless, the continual sucking can be potentially deadly to tiny kittens! So foster parents must take immediate action when they see this behavior.

Video by Orchid and Oasis/Instagram

Chamberlain and His Big Blue Furriend!

A kitten never enjoys being solitary, but don’t worry, it was only temporary. In the meantime, Chamberlain made a new bestie, the cutest blue stuffed animal.

Chamberlain the kitten with his best friend, a big blue stuffed animal, 1

Their foster mom shared the most adorable video of the kitten with his blue friend.

kitten with stuffed animal in nursery foster home

He’s enjoying a warm embrace as he observes his little corner of the world. In this moment, the kitten was purrfectly content with his calming friend by his side.

Video via Orchid and Oasis/Instagram

Chamberlain Has Sweet Kitten Dreams

After a full bottle, Chamberlain lay in the nursery, having happy dreams. Although alone, he didn’t have a care in the world, lounging with his cute, plump, spotted belly exposed to the world.

adorable kitten having his spotted belly rubbed, 2

As you can see below, the kitten was evidently having a pleasant dream, maybe chasing a butterfly in the grass? His shiny toe beans jittered in the air.

Waking Up A ‘Sweepy Baby’

You, too, can experience the cutest moments like these when you become a foster mom or dad. Although caring for bottle babies is an all-night affair for many weeks, the rewards are plentiful. Of course, it’s not all cute moments. There are many extreme highs and lows along the way.

adorable kitten having his spotted belly rubbed, 1

But who wouldn’t want to experience more pure, innocent moments like these in our often stressful world? The world definitely needs more kitten therapy like this, don’t you think?

“Little sweepy baby.”

See more on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.

Video via Orchid and Oasis/Instagram



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