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It takes a village to help animals, especially during the always-chaotic ‘kitten season.’ As things kick into high gear, we’re thrilled to see that Broward County, in the Fort Lauderdale area, called in some help from one of our favorite TNR (trap, neuter, release) expurrts: the Trap King!

With his outreach educating the masses, anyone can learn how they can help cats in their own communities. People may not be aware that it doesn’t take lots of experience. But it does require compassion and love.

Broward County Animal Care Welcomes the Trap King!

Sterling ‘Trap King’ Davis, a renowned expert in helping stray cat families, has been a beacon of hope in the Atlanta area and beyond. His tireless efforts have not only alleviated the burden on overcrowded shelters but also empowered animal lovers with little experience to make a significant difference. 

Recently, Broward County Animal Care called in the big guns, inviting Davis for a TNR workshop. He also went door-to-door with officials in the county to help raise awareness for what the shelter offers and how they can get involved, too!

 “The King has arrived to #BrowardCounty!”

CBS Miami, Broward County Animal Care, Sterling Trap King Davis, TNR, trap, neuter, return, Fort Lauderdale, Community outreach workshop, 6

Image via Facebook/Broward County Animal Care

Understandably, folks aren’t always sure about authorities, particularly in marginalized communities. As a result, they may be reluctant to seek help. But, as Davis pointed out, the shelter folks are not a “big bad machine.” 

“I wanna let the community know this isn’t just the big bad machine,” Davis said. These are people here to help you; they’re on your team to help you and your animals, so I wanted to come out here and help spread that word,” he said.

On the same day, Davis helped a resident get help for a stray kitty with an injury. It was just in time, and now this cute tabby will have a better life.

CBS Miami, Broward County Animal Care, Sterling Trap King Davis, TNR, trap, neuter, return, Fort Lauderdale, Community outreach workshop, 5

A Florida resident got help for this injured tabby (see video below from CBS Miami).

Sterling Davis on CBS Miami!

We were thrilled to see Sterling appear on CBS Miami when Steve Maugeri came out to talk to the “nationally recognized cat trapper.”

“Dope day in the community educating and assisting with the amazing peeps at @browardcountyanimalcare 😻😻😻😻.”

CBS Miami, Broward County Animal Care, Sterling Trap King Davis, TNR, trap, neuter, return, Fort Lauderdale, Community outreach workshop, 3

Sterling Davis talks with Steve Maugeri from CBS Miami (see video below).

How You Can Work with Local Shelters to TNR

Below, he talks about the basics of TNR (trap, neuter, return). In some places, the shelter may have traps available for you to borrow and can help with transporting cats and health care expenses. Elsewhere, local TNR groups can often help you get started. 

One way to find them is to call your local veterinarian or Humane Society, who may work with area TNR groups (or point you in the right direction). There’s also a searchable national database at the FIXfinder Database

Video via Instagram/the_original_trapking

“You know it’s real when @cbsmiami come out to speak with us and help spread the word about TNR/community cat care!” he shared.

Video via Instagram/the_original_trapking with CBS Miami

How to Get Involved in the Mission to Save Cats

With encouragement from the Trap King, more folks in Broward County will be part of the solution. As a result, far fewer cats will suffer and struggle. Many cats and kittens will have much happier lives without getting into fights. And, of course, a lucky few will find purrmanent homes as loved house cats.

One of our favorite parts is when long-lost cats get reunited with their loving families thanks to microchip reunions. All of this ameowzing stuff and more happens through TRN efforts!

“If you’re in or near the Broward County area, come holla at me today…….see how I got started in TNR/Community cat care and how you can get involved and help the mission as well!! TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) IS THE WAY! ❤️😻,” Sterling shared.

CBS Miami, Broward County Animal Care, Sterling Trap King Davis, TNR, trap, neuter, return, Fort Lauderdale, Community outreach workshop, 1

For more, you can follow our friend Sterling TrapKING Davis on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. 

More about TNRing and teaching kids compassion with Sterling Davis and the Community Cats Podcast:


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