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Brad Johnsen from the Seattle area really loves cats, so much so that he decided to sign his driver’s license with doodled cat heads in place of his signature. On Reddit, he posted about how choosing to draw cats came back to scratch him three years later.

 “In 2015, I had to renew my license and thought it would be funny to do cat heads as my signature, so I did. For the past 3 years, I just forgot about it unless I had to show my ID, and they pointed it out. They would laugh and say, ‘Haha, I can’t believe they let you do that!’ and I would be like, ‘yeah, yeah, yeah, let me in the bar now.'”

Brad Johnsen from the Seattle signs his driver's license with cat doodle heads, Hat Island

Brad Johnsen signs his driver’s license with cat doodle heads via Reddit.

‘I Love Cats, So I Drew Them’

In an interview with Bored Panda, Johnsen said he decided to draw cat heads on the spurrrrr of the moment. The woman at the DMV didn’t object when he asked if he could draw anything for his signature, saying, “That’s none of my business, please sign the pad.”

After thinking of what he should draw, he decided on cat heads, being a cat dad to three felines, Pepè De La Hoya, Sanchez Fluffington, and Eric at the time.

 “I love cats, and I had 3 cats at the time, so I drew them,” he said.

Surprisingly, the DMV employee allowed the signature to stand, although she first rolled her eyes and asked if he was sure about it. He replied, “Absolutely,” not worrying that he might one day have to sign important documents with cat heads.

It sounds like a moment from a sitcom. For example, on Schitt’s Creek, Alexis told her brother, David, ‘Nobody cares,’ when he was super-stressed about passing his driving test at the DMV. He could probably have drawn cat heads as his signature and nobody would have blinked either.

Signing the Mortgage with Cat Heads – 30 Times!

When he bought a home three years later, he discovered signing with cat heads can have an amewsing downside. 

“I have always signed my name with my regular signature/scribble, not cat heads. This hasn’t been a problem until today when I had to sign my mortgage papers. The signing agent looked at my ID and shook his head; he was not amused. I tried to explain that 2015 Brad never imagined he’d own a house.”

What this all led to what signing a stack of papers with cat heads over 30 times!

“So the dude has to call the title company headquarters and explain the situation, all while my real estate agent is laughing her ass off. I had to sign 3 cat heads over 30 times today,” he wrote on Reddit.

Brad Johnsen from the Seattle signs his driver's license with cat doodle heads, Hat Island, mortgage signed with cat doodle heads

Novelty Over Medeowcrity

Despite the cat curfuffle, Johnsen still likes the cat head doodles and might do it all over again, even though he regrets it occasionally.

“I would say novelty should always take priority over mediocrity. And it’s hard to stand out if you follow the rules. Have fun with your signature. It’s yours and it can be anything you want,” he said.

While he might draw the cats again, he ironically faced more conflict for telling folks he’s not a dog person on a dating app.

“I put in the bio of my dating app that I’m not a dog person. Only response I got was from dog owners that could not understand why I’m not into dogs. I had to remove this from my bio because it just caused so much unnecessary conflict,” he mused on Reddit.

Bradimal on Reddit says he stopped saying he's not a dog person on dating app

Greg, Johnsen’s beach cat runs down the beach via Reddit.

Greg the Beach Cat

In later posts, Johnsen shared pictures of his beloved “Siberian Golden tabby” Greg. The two love hanging out on the beaches, driving, and boating around the beautiful Puget Sound. 

“My life revolves around Greg. He waits outside for a beach session, he won’t go down to the beach by himself because the crows swoop on him I have to walk him down there. It’s the highlight of his day, he just rolls in the sand and soaks up the sun.”

Greg the beach cat in the Seattle area, Hat Island, Golden Siberian Tabby

Greg the beach cat

He introduced Greg to the beach as a kitten and he has loved it ever since. 

“I introduced him when he was about 5 months old. He really blends in at the beach, seems like his native habitat,” he posted. 

A video shows Greg running down the beach with wild abandon. That is one majestic Golden Siberian tabby! We’re sure when Johnsen signs his next license, he will draw Greg’s likeness.

“Greg came from the factory with the back arms too long, makes him run funny,” said Johnsen.



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