The Tiny House craze has gone to the cats in viral videos from Hong Kong about “Feng’s Cat Villa.” With the caption, “The fancy cat villa brings all the cats to the yard,” we see the Godzilla of Cat Villas, supposedly for strays. But admittedly, many of the featured cats look like pampered pets, not strays.

Images via YouTube/9GAG
The video of the “fanciest Cat Villa known to man” appeared on YouTube and has since gone viral across social media, including Hong Kong-based media 9GAG.
If you or someone you know has carpentry skills, imagination, and yard space, such a cat cottage could be an amewsing new project. And, those caring for colony cats might get some ideas, too!
Cat Villa Brings All the Cats to the Yard
This Cat Villa did bring lots of skills to the yard and reminds us more of a finely crafted kid’s playhouse in scale. All the details are what makes it so appealing, although the cats seem to prefer the oversized scratching post as much as anything else.
One of the standout features of the Cat Villa includes a huge, clear viewing wall. While this looks great for video purposes, such a wall could pose some issues. Sure, it’s hard to keep clean looking, but if sunlight were to hit the wall, we wonder how quickly the Cat Villa would heat up. If it quickly overheated, the built-in air conditioning would kick into overdrive.
Without the AC, it could become dangerously hot for sleeping kitties. But the structure appears nice and shaded here. Such a viewing wall would be great indoors, such as at a cat café. And we love that there are cat doors and a larger door so people can get in quickly there for cleaning and maintenance.
Check out the decorative tiled roof with statues and artificial foliage, the “space bowl” domed observation and climbing wall, and that huge wooden running wheel. Such large, heavy structure looks fabulous but would require expert construction and securing for safety.
And, how cute that the builders have included a separate private condo for “Bite Bite,” the cat, like a penthouse apartment on the roof?
Alas, a newcomer tomcat dares to venture into Bit Bite’s penthouse suite, and drama ensues.
But overall, we love that these cats’ humans are having so much fun designing a creative custom cat house!
Video of the Cat Villa via YouTube/Cat-Tastic World:
Purrbie Dream House with Cardboard
For those who don’t have carpentry know-how or tools, you can still have lots of fun with just some cardboard boxes, paint, and imagination.
Recently, Jess revealed a “Purrbie Dream House” with a Gothic twist for Meowloween.

Purrbie Dream House via Facebook/Cole and Marmalade
This pink putty-tat palace is for indoor use only and features many doll-house-like details. While Mazikeen, Jugg, Zig Zag, Calypso, and Marmalade had a blast exploring the Dream House, Bond wasn’t so sure. Possibly, it reminded him of a time recently when he was caught in a TNR (trap, neuter, return) trap. Whatever the reason, he wasn’t going in any suspicious pink panther playhouse. Not until he watched from a distance for a good while, anyhow.
As always, Marmalade was ready to purrty!
While this cat playland would be more achievable than a Cat Villa for most people, it also took quite a lot of planning and construction time.
In all, it took Jess 75 hours of actual build and paint time, even with two helpers! But the result is so worth it it, don’t your think?
“Come on Marmie, let’s go purrty! … Happy Meowloween everyone :)”
Video by Cole and Marmalade: