Milly, the foster kitten, is a “perfect doll baby” who once needed a special helmet and padded environment to protect her tiny noggin. She was born with an enlarged head (hydrocephalus), a malformed front leg (radial aplasia) and a slight overbite. But the cutie didn’t know she was supposedly any different and was the softest and “snuggliest little purr monster,” her foster mom Caroline said.
“I wish everyone could meet Milly! She’s so special, and she literally radiates love and joy🧁 She loves everyone and wears her heart on her sleeve🥰,” Baby Kitten Rescue shared.
This kitten was incredibly adorable, exactly the way she was, but she needed extensive veterinary help to survive long-term.
Milly Lands at The Purrfect Foster Home
At two months old, someone gave away Milly for free, but then the person who took her realized something was wrong and reached out for help, which led to her arrival at Baby Kitten Rescue. Most kittens like her have no chance to survive. Fortunately, she was extraordinarily lucky because she arrived in a home that had lots of unique experiences with similar kittens. Before her arrival, a special boy named Otter overcame a similar condition, wearing a helmet until he underwent groundbreaking, successful brain surgery.
In this case, she had a big ole’ noggin, but her fontanelle, or skull’s soft spot, was closed. Unfortunately, this meant added pressure due to built-up fluid on her brain. Consequently, she needed a special shunt surgery to relieve the pressure, requiring incredible (and super expensive) technology. Despite everything, she was snuggly, playful, and full of life.
“How is Milly even real? Literally a living stuffed animal. The snuggliest little purr monster. And she’s so soft,” Baby Kitten Rescue shared.
While Otter was the Helmet King, she became the Helmet Queen!
Supporters Donate Thousands to Help Milly
As with Otter, supporters donated to cover the expensive life-saving veterinary care. It was the most expensive brain surgery the rescue had ever provided, and people loved her so much they came through to give her a chance at life.
“This is by far the most expensive surgery we’ve ever provided. But Milly is worth it. Her life matters. And she has the chance to live a full, healthy, and happy life if she gets this surgery! So we are going to give her that chance🙏💪,” they shared.
A specialist diagnosed extensive issues, including a large cyst on her brain and a malformed spine and front leg. Despite everything, she wasn’t in pain, and her little quirks made her extra special.
Milly Survived Incredible Brain Surgery
As noted, the technology involved in Milly’s brain surgery was incredible, including a special programmable shunt system for life to precisely control drainage from her brain to her abdomen. Everyone was so nervous the day of surgery, but as with everything else that came her way, she sailed through doing “fantastic.”
“I’m SO grateful Milly had the opportunity to receive this surgery!!! Up until very recently, hydrocephalus was a death sentence for cats and dogs. But thanks to progressive veterinarians like Dr. O’Neill at Metropolitan Animal Specialty Hospital, kitties like Milly now have the chance at living a full, healthy, and happy life with shunt surgery!!🙏💪😻,” the rescue shared.
Milly Fully Recovered and Found a Home!
After a slow and steady recovery, the kitten continued to impress everyone with how great she was doing. She once again overcame another surgery to adjust her shunt’s catheter. Eventually, her noggin looked visibly smaller as she continued impressing everyone.
“I was astounded by how smoothly Milly recovered and never once lost her spark and joy💫 After her surgery, we slowly started weaning Milly off of the medications she had been on for months to control her hydrocephalus,” the rescue explained.
Amazingly, Milly no longer needed medications and found a home near her neurologist for checkups.
“Milly was adopted by the most amazing couple🥰 She will be the queen of her home, like she wants and deserves👑 Her mommy & daddy work from home most of the time, so she will get all the snuggles and attention she could ever want🩷”
If you encounter a kitten with hydrocephalus, you can learn more about making a custom helmet like the one Otter and Milly wore here. For more information, you can follow Baby Kitten Rescue on Instagram and Facebook.