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Since ancient times, cats have fascinated and enchanted people, but some misconceptions and false myths persist today. Fortunately, those misconceptions are changing fast in a digital world where cats have always ruled.

Here are a few of our pet peeves/ myths about cats that need to go in the proverbial litter box for good.

Myth #1: Cats are Only for Women

This one falls under the cat-egory of myths or tropes that are changing rapidly. Cat Dads are being celebrated as more guys from all walks of life are proudly owned by cats, sharing their stories online and even in documentaries. Of course, Cat Man Chris is always doing his part!

Cat Man Chris with a rescued kitten, cat myths

Cat Man Chris via Facebook

Celebrity Cat Dads are a favorite online and even considered therapeutic in a stressful world. People just love seeing men care for cats, and that’s a pawsome thing. Could the world desperately need more love and kindness in general today? Definitely.

Mark Ruffalo with his cats, cat myths, cat dad

Mark Ruffalo via Instagram

We frequently see stories of men who say they never wanted a cat, then cuddling them shortly afterward. Is society changing when it comes to men and cats? In the States it seems so, but historically, it’s nothing new at all. After all, the first “domesticated” cats go back 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. As far as we’re concerned, it’s up for debate as to who domesticated who.

Sterling Davis with Damita Jo

Sterling Davis with Damita Jo the cat via Instagram/the_original_trapking

Myth #2: Black Cat Superstitions

Here’s another one that is rapidly changing, but still not fast enough for our liking. Black cats are still among the kitties that tend to wait the longest for homes in shelters owing to outdated, baseless myths and superstitions.

We’re proud of how Cole helped change all that, and now Mazikeen is too! 

Mazikeen with Calypso on top and Marmalade with Cole below via Cole and Marmalade, cat myths

Top: Calypso and Maz. Bottom: Marmalade and Cole. Image via Facebook/Cole and Marmalade

Outside the United States, black cats are signs of prosperity and luck, including Scotland, England, France, Northern Europe, Asia, Italy, and Japan. Recently, a UK family credited adopting a black cat with a string of luck and a lottery win!

Cole and Marmalade meme about black cats, house panthers, cat myths

Image via Facebook/Cole and Marmalade

Black cats are incredibly elegant little house panthers, and if you are chosen by one, you should consider yourself lucky indeed.

Black cat climbs window, cat myths

Image via Reddit

Every year, Black Cat Appreciation Day on August 17th is also helping spread awareness and appreciation.

Meme from Cole and Marmalade about black cats, cat myths

Image via Facebook/Cole and Marmalade

Myth #3: Cats Can’t Be Trained

This one is funny for anyone who has been owned by a cat. Because we know cats are incredibly smart and listen to every word we say. Scientific research shows that cats know when you’re talking to them and know their names. Whether they want to respond is another thing: cats are clever and have life figured out on their terms. Purrhaps, we can learn a lot from their example?

Marmalade meme by Cole and Marmalade, cat myths, misconceptions about training cats

Image via Facebook/Cole and Marmalade

Of course, it’s a myth that cats can’t be trained. For example, the annual High-Five Day Contest helps shelter cats find homes by learning endearing and complex tricks. There are trained cat rock bands, and more people are going on outdoor adventures with harness-trained cats. To train a cat, you have to use a greatly different approach than with a dog, as cat behavior consultants can explain.

Acrocats cat jumps an obstacle, cat myths that they can't be trained

Acrocat jumps an obstacle. Image via Instagram/acrocats

Some cats are part of a study to determine if they can use language by pushing buttons corresponding to words. It appears they do know how to string words together and, unsurprisingly, are training their humans to do their bidding. So, will AI or felines claim world domination first?

Billi the cat pushes buttons that go with words, cat myths

Image via YouTube/BilliSpeaks

Myth #4: Cats Aren’t Affectionate

To us, it’s laughable when we hear people say cats aren’t affectionate. Because many cats love nothing more than to cuddle, kiss, and give you a good healing purr session along with biscuit making. They’re not happy unless they’re on your lap or climbing you to get closer.

“Best huggers in the CAM FAM.”

Cat Man Chris gets a hug from Bond, cat myths

Bond and Cat Man Chris via Facebook/Cole and Marmalade

Once they trust you, cats are incredibly affectionate; among the most affectionate are rescued adult cats. They really do appreciate you when you save them and will show you so much unconditional love. We are constantly amazed by cats rescued with painful injuries who want nothing more than to love their rescuers.

Maui cat reaches for rescuer's hand

Rescued cat named Ho’omau via Instagram/mauihumanesociety

Myth #5: Cats and Dogs Don’t Mix

Each cat is different, and some of them prefer the company of dogs. It’s all about introducing them gradually and with great care after a separation period. 

Many fosterers introduce kittens to nanny dogs, and they adore them! As a result of meeting one another, the well-adjusted kittens have a better chance of finding a home where dogs live. Thus, it vastly improves the odds since about 65 million households have dogs. Not to mention, scenes of the cat and dog love fests are as cute as anything on Earth!

foster nanny dog with kitten, myth dogs and cats don't mix

Mama Kona the dog with foster kitten. Image via Instagram/shibuyarollcall

We love seeing gentle giants like Atlas, a 120-pound behemoth of a doggo who tenderly cares for foster kittens smaller than his paw in California.

Atlas the dog with a tiny foster kitten

Atlas the dog with a tiny foster kitten. Image via Instagram/maddies_pawse

And we frequently share stories about adventurous adult cats whose best friends are dogs. Who can forget Manny, the cat who went viral for his selfie with his dog security team?

As you can see, these myths or misconceptions about cats should be scratched out. Visit your local shelter or rescue and spend some time with the cats. Right now, there are millions of them waiting to show you why they’re purrfect companions!


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