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While driving through a busy intersection near Duluth, Georgia, a kind woman saw someone throw something from a moving SUV window. While most people would keep on driving, something told her she needed to stop. Investigating, she discovered that two tiny kittens were on the ground! They were less than five days old.

How miraculous that she found them and then took them home to care for them all night! They were neonates and needed bottle-feeding every two hours. In the morning, she responsibly reached out for help with area rescuers.

Two kittens found at busy intersection after woman saw somebody toss them from a moving SUV in Duluth, GA

Images via Facebook and Instagram/Planned PEThood of GA

Duluth Officer and Cat Dad Teams Up with Rescuers

Immediately, the rescuers called the police to report animal cruelty, and Officer Baalson arrived on the scene. Nonprofit Planned PEThood of GA described the officer as a “compassionate cat dad” and was reassured by the rapid response to the incident.

Kittens in Duluth, GA, Planned PEThood of GA d

“Despite the sad start to the morning, the seriousness with which this is being handled is reassuring, and justice will be sought for these innocent little kittens.❤️” they shared.

Officer Baalson ,Duluth Police Department, kittens, rescue, Planned PEThood of GA

The story was featured on numerous media channels, including national news. And serious consequences would come for those responsible if found. 

Video by 11Alive:

Bottle-Fed Cuties Get Two Foster Moms and Reunite with Their Brother

Fortunately, these two adorable neonates survived the ordeal and began bottle-feeding readily. An experienced mother and daughter duo, Jeanne and Tiffany, would ensure they were well-cared for in foster care.

Bottle baby kitten, rescue, Kittens in Duluth, GA, Planned PEThood of GA d

Meanwhile, a separate Good Samaritan found a third kitten at the same busy intersection. The lucky little black kitten arrived after being stranded and all alone throughout the night. Happily, he reunited with his siblings in a warm incubator. What are the odds?!

Little boy kitten found after spending a night alone, Planned PEThood of GA

“The third sibling, a little boy, miraculously made it alone all night outside. After he was brought in this morning, we fed and cared for him, before reuniting with his siblings. All snuggled up before they went home with a foster tonight, as they will require round-the-clock care!”

Officer Baalson from Georgia with the rescued kittens tossed from SUV in a busy intersection

The Girls Start a New Life Without Their Brother

Sadly, the little boy didn’t survive after exposure to the elements that fateful night. Without constant warmth and round-the-clock care, fragile kittens quickly fade. Despite every effort, he crossed the rainbow bridge, but at least spent his last moments with his sisters.

Thankfully, the adorable duo started a happy new life. That donated incubator kept them cozy and warm without their missing mama cat’s protection. And, their caring foster moms worked tirelessly so they could make it.

Meanwhile, many other kind people donated to ensure the kittens had a chance for a happier new start in life.

Kittens in Duluth, GA, Planned PEThood of GA d, two

The Best Adoption and Happy Ending Ever

Despite such a horrible and cruel beginning, thanks to so many caring people, the ending is incredibly heartwarming. In the end, the same Good Samaritan who stopped to investigate at the intersection adopted the kittens when they reached eight weeks old! One horrible person’s trash turned out to be this meowvalous woman’s priceless treasure, one that will bring love and companionship for a lifetime.

“Now, at about 8 weeks old and after nearly two months in foster care, they have found their forever home! The kind woman who stopped to save them decided to adopt them.”

Grown up Case and Mazda, kittens from Duluth tossed from SUV and rescued

“We’re so grateful this Good Samaritan stopped to help these kittens, and we are beyond thrilled she is making them a part of her family. A truly beautiful adoption story! Happy life, Case and Mazda (now named Leia and Nova)!” the rescue shared.

Woman adopts kittens Case and Mazda she spotted at busy intersection in Duluth, GA

You can see more on the Planned PEThood of GA blog and follow them on Instagram and Facebook.

Adopted family for the two kittens, Case and Mazda,


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