A Cheeky kitten overcomes toxoplasmosis, recovering completely thanks to her foster moms and a team of vets.
Portland, Oregon, kitten rescuers, amazing kitty photographer Cassidy, and mom Laura took in three teeny tiny foster babies in August. They were only two weeks old at the time, requiring round-the-clock bottle-feeding every 2-3 hours and considerable medical treatment, as it turned out.
The rescuers aren’t sure how they came to the Cat Adoption Team nonprofit shelter via the Humane Society of Southwest Washington. These cuties became “The Brit Kits,” with Cheeky (a tortie girl), Moppet (an orange and white vocal girl), and Chippy (a solid orange boy). All were in bad shape at the time with crusty eyes and needed drops and flea treatment immediately. Two ginger siblings went to another foster home, and one sadly passed.

Images and media via Instagram/daisycatphotography and fosterkittenpdx
The Brit Kits are Wee Tiny
At first, The Brit Kits struggled to latch onto the bottle, but they suddenly figured it out.
“They must have heard [Cassidy] and I discussing tube feeding, because all three latched right away at the last feeding & drank the most formula,” Laura said.
Cheeky was smaller from the start.
The video below gives you an idea of their wee tiny size, as “the claw” scoops up Cheeky. (A funny reference to the animated movie Toy Story)
These furbabies were so tiny but soon explored their amazing play area and made the cutest mews. They all seemed to be doing great, but then, things quickly went south for Cheeky.
Little Cheeky made the tinies little biscuits on a soft white blankie. Warning: Cuteness level is off the charts.
Cheeky Begins to Stumble
At three weeks old, the kittens appeared to be thriving. But a week later, it was clear something was amiss with Cheeky, who began stumbling and unable to walk.
“They are such outgoing, active kittens & VERY vocal – always either meowing or purring when they’re not sleeping,” Cassidy wrote.
Cheeky Has Toxoplasmosis
At four weeks old, the caring fosters took Cheeky to the vet, suspecting toxoplasmosis was affecting the tortie girl’s mobility. She had to remain away from her siblings while she recovered, and they kept a vigilant eye on Chippy and Moppet.
The poor little girl couldn’t walk but was hanging in there after starting antibiotic treatment. It was scary for the foster moms, who worried she might not return home from the vet or have permanent neurological issues.
They had to try two different antibiotics and hoped the second one would do the trick with treatment twice daily for 4 weeks. It was touch and go for a while. She couldn’t walk for a week, and they didn’t know if Cheeky would pull through.
“It would be so amazing if she is able to walk again and can rejoin her siblings. We miss her tortitude!” said Cassidy.
Cheeky Pulls Through Slowly
Fortunately, Cheeky soon responded to the new antibiotics and was back with her siblings looking impossibly cute!
However, Moppet insisted she was the World’s Cutest kitten.
“Moppet says it’s hard work being the world’s cutest kitten 😴.”
Moppet and Chippy grew stronger daily and would soon be ready to go to forever homes by the end of September. They were twice Cheekys size.
“Chippy is a dorky, lovable, goofy boy & Moppet is the sweetest, softest, most talkative girl.”
Thankfully, Cheeky was gradually improving by the end of August, although still very wobbly.
Wrestling with her siblings helped her grow strong. And they interacted with the gentle Louie the Cocker Spaniel, who loves kittens.
“Here’s Cheeky! 💞 Although she still can’t walk, she’s slowly getting stronger and a bit more mobile every day. “
Cheeky was living up to her name, giving some funny “outtakes” for her photographer foster mom.
Before you could blink, The Brit Kits were seven weeks old, and all were insanely cute. But they all still needed care for coccidia, so all required medication. It takes constant vigilance to care for tiny kittens, but the reward is endless cuteness and hilarious antics.
Moppet and Chippy Find a Home Together
As adorable as they are, it’s no surprise that Moppet and Chippy found homes after being spayed/neutered and vaccinated at nine weeks old. Best of all, it’s together forever for these two bonded babies, and they got new spicy names.
“Gotcha Day for Moppet & Chippy! They ran right up to their new parents & into their laps. They are getting Swahili names: Chippy: Tangawizi (means ginger) Moppet: Manjano (means turmeric).”
Then, it was just Cheeky, but she had Uncle Louie to keep her company. The sweet foster nanny just turned 11 years old on October 6.
In an update, we see Moppet (now Manjano) & Chippy (now Tangawizi) living their best life in their forever home.
Cheeky’s Big Day Arrives
Cheeky made it to 12 weeks old, beating toxoplasmosis and becoming very active and independent.
“Our girl Cheeky is an active one, but when she tuckers out she will purr on your lap. She likes the shoulder view & sleeping on my chest ‘shelf’ under my chin,” shared Laura.
There was no slowing down this hyper furbaby, and she no longer needed medication. Unsurprisingly, she had lots of interest from potential adopters and was jumping for joy when she found the right family. You would never know she couldn’t walk just a short while ago.
“Cheeky’s jumping for joy that she’ll find her forever home this week!”
It was official; Cheeky was ready to be spayed after reaching 2.25 pounds. Then her new life could begin, thanks to rescuers, fosters Cassidy, Laura, and a team of experts. So many people worked so hard to give the Brit Kits a chance for happy lives.
“What a ride with our girl Cheeky! Eight weeks ago I didn’t think she’d make it to this day. Today she is twelve weeks old, 2.25 pounds and getting spayed. I so appreciate all your kind words, thoughts, prayers, positive vibes, etc., over the last ten weeks. A special shoutout to [the] Cat Adoption Team team of vets, hospital staff, foster department and adoption counselors for their support.🥰”
Here is Cheeky in her new home, adjusting to life with her new brother, Snowball, the pretty white cat.
“She’s been in her new home just over a week. As expected, she’s hard to photograph bc she’s always on the go,” shared Laura. “She’s been getting aquatinted with her new fur siblings & being her cheeky self. She looks very happy to me.🥰”
On Cheeky’s World Instagram account, you can follow her progress. She’s been home for three months and is loving life.
“Cheeky is 3 months old now..she is growing so fast! She loves to give me kisses on my face and nose. here she’s passed out on my cheek sleeping for the night, drooling! 🌙 🐈 🌚 😴 ✨️the name cheeky fits her perfect! 🥰 ❤️ 😍 goodnight everyone!!”
It took so much love and caring for the Brit Kits to make it in the world and begin new lives. Then, the foster moms were ready to do it all over again for new foster babies. You can follow Cassidy and her beautiful photography here, and Laura’s Instagram is here.