Have you known a cat who retrieves things? Cats fetch and sometimes bring objects to their humans. Most of the time, it’s purely voluntary and not by command. Sometimes, cats will bring huge piles of offerings to their humans (whether they like it or not) at all hours of the night. And, cats from any background can learn tricks, such as with clicker training.
In this case, a black house panther who belonged to a neighbor, retrieved something very important for a woman in a condominium. A woman from Brazil who goes by Luh Meira shared the video on TikTok, saying, “If I hadn’t filmed it, nobody would have believed.”
Black Cat Retrieves Keys
While outside with her son, he spotted a hole in a concrete block along a sidewalk. That hole was just the right size to drop objects inside –far too tempting for a toddler. Unfortunately, the hole was also too small for anybody to be able to retrieve anything that fell inside. So when the boy dropped his mother’s keys inside, that was a big problem. At first, they try in vain to get the keys out using a stick, but it was no use. That’s when the beautiful black cat comes along.
At first, the kitty wants to play with the stick. But then, he seems to somehow know he needs to retrieve an object down inside the hole.
Remember that this kitty named Panterinha (panther) is the neighbor’s cat who lives in the apartment building. Frequently, the cat plays with the kids in the building, but this interaction was all by chance. As they cheer him on, the cat reaches down and retrieves the keys on a blue key ring.
Delighted, she holds the keys above the cat, who has decided to nap on the pavement. It’s hard work saving the day!
After posting the video, the TikTok went viral, reaching over 9 million views and counting. Many people asked if Meira would adopt the cat after he retrieves her keys. However, she replied: (Google translate)
“He already has an owner ❤️🖤 He lives in an apartment here in my condo and is always playing with the kids.”
Woman Rewards the Cat for Retrieving the Keys
To reward Panterinha, Meira bought him a cat toy in appreciation. The little house panther loved the toy and became “great friends” with her son.
“The kitten that won the heart of Brazil.”
Later, we see Meira offering Panterinha a drink from a sink on a hot day. Once more, the kitty seems very interested in what’s down the hole in the bottom of the sink.
The caption reads: “Cooling off after a nice little sun.”
Since posting the TikTok, the video showing the cat retrieving the keys appeared on Reddit and Instagram and even made Newsweek.
On Reddit, someone who goes by Cultural-Tutor-8984 pointed out something interesting:
“The best part is that the woman joked about the cat helping her (‘Get the key, kitty’ in Portuguese) and the cat really did!”
Others pointed out what we know all too well; that black cats bring good luck.
Another person pointed out that the cat deserved a special treat, and Meira did offer him a toy. Plus, the cat became best friends with the boy and has a second family who will always watch out for him. We hope they continue to share many happy memories on TikTok.