This is the true story of Godzilla, the kitten, not the classic Japanese film monster, starring a tiny California kitten with plans for world domination, or at least to take over foster care. The “tiny but mighty” one also helped a friend overcome monstrous cruelty.
“🦖Godzilla🦖 VS 🦧King Kong🦧! Looks like GODZILLA wins!”
Images via Instagram/ fosterinfelines
Godzilla arrived in his first foster home at only a couple of days old, but when his human mom went out of town, another rescuer, Andrea Murphy, stepped in to take him in. After seeing pictures, she fell for him and suspected the tiny kitty would make a great pal for her foster named Flower.
Flower was a grey kitten she took in after she learned that someone tied him to a tree and left him to die. His injuries were horrible, but don’t worry; he fully recovered thanks to so many wonderful and skilled people, veterinarians, generous donors, and rescuers.
“I just really wanted to take him in. I just wanted to show him that there are good people,” Murphy said.
Sidenote: Flower was rescued by Milo’s Sanctuary, who has previously worked with Cat Man Chris to help a tiny black kitten named Sam he saved which had mild hydrocephalus. Murphy volunteers with the sanctuary, and that’s when she learned about Flower.
Godzilla Goes on Play Rampage
Now, Godzilla would become Flower’s best pal in foster care as hoped. At first timid, Flower wore cones (that looked like a yellow flower) and later homemade sweaters to help his serious wounds slowly heal. In Andrea’s care, he blossomed and became a trusting and playful kitten.
Then, when Godzilla arrived, Flower wanted nothing more than to play with him, and it looked like the feeling was mutual. But Godzilla was still quite a lot smaller, so the foster mom kept them separated until she knew it was safe for the tiny terror.
As you can see in the cute video from Andrea and Tail Talez, Godzilla soon proved he was ready to go on a playful rampage with Flower.
“Godzilla may be tiny, but he has a huge personality! 😻 ”
After being introduced, Godzilla and Flower became inseparable buddies.
“Cuddles from both boys at once? With no wrestling? 🌼🦖💗💖”
Flower Finds a New Garden
After flourishing with Murphy, Flower was ready to sow the seeds of love in a new garden. She found her forever home in late summer with two new dads and furry siblings.
“I am so thankful to Milo’s Sanctuary for allowing me to foster Flower,” wrote Murphy on Instagram. “After seeing his story, I, like so many of you, was devastated. The fact that I got to be a small part in his healing did my heart good.”
Although Godzilla would be sad to see Flower go, the tiny one had his pals, Momo, Dox, and others to keep him company.
A New Chapter for Godzilla
Not long afterward, it was time for a much grown-up Godzilla to go on a new adventure. After being neutered at Best Friends Animal Society, a new mama would pick him up for the journey.
“The woman adopting him adopted one of my other Foster kittens about 6 months ago, so he’ll have a friend,” Murphy said. “Ironically, the cat she adopted is almost all gray. Maybe it will remind him of Flower! Anyway, Godzilla I’m going to miss you sweet boy.”
For more of Murphy’s wonderful stories from foster care, you can follow on Instagram/fosterinfelines.
Godzilla Becomes Rex
Later, Godzilla’s new mama sent Murphy a video, and it looks like he’s still living up to his name, even though he got a new one – Rex.
“🦖Godzilla’s🦖 new momma sent me this video. Not sure if she has officially settled on a new name yet, but she was thinking of Rex. I thought that was kind of fitting since Godzilla was basically a T-“rex,” right? It’s definitely bittersweet to see him. Makes me miss him very much, but so happy to see him happy! Miss you baby Zilla Zilla!”
Featured images: Facebook/Andrea Murphy and Instagram/fosterinfelines