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Jensen, the 7-year-old tuxedo cat, finally found a loving forever home after 3 years of bouncing between a shelter, rescues, a foster home, and a cat cafe. Like many older cats, it seems the odds were stacked against him, even though he’s “the sweetest boy,” say rescuers.

“We all love Jensen so we thought a big close up would bring a smile to everyone’s face 😸⁣” posted Good Luck Cat Cafe.

Tuxedo cat, gold eyes

Images via Instagram/_goodluckcatcafe

Due to his age, the cat stayed longer in the South Florida Lady Luck Animal Rescue than any other cat. (The nonprofit also runs the Good Luck Cat Cafe in Fort Lauderdale.)

Jensen Waits and Waits in the Shelter

After Jensen’s owner died in 2019, he waited for over 100 days in a shelter. His behavior probably changed after losing his human, and he was nervous around strangers. After a month, the shelter suggested Jensen the wallflower might find a happy life as an outdoor “cat with attitude.”

“Jensen first arrived at Animal Care ‪on February 10‬ after his owner died and Jensen is a guy that doesn’t like change. Even though he’s been here over a month, Jensen still isn’t sure what to think about his strange surroundings. He allows touching, but is pretty nervous overall and you can read all over his face that he just wants to be in a home again. Can you provide the home he is looking for? Jensen is a desperate housecat looking for a new house. Please help this confused kitty have a place to plant his paws once again,” posted the Friends of Broward County Animals.

Tuxie cat from Facebook, Friends of Broward County Animals

On the other hand, they realized the tuxie could warm up to someone in a home environment.

“Jensen’s got style and grace, and we think this tiger, in particular, may change his stripes in a home. He seems a bit curious and will occasionally reach forward for a sniff of the hand.”

In a video, he looked uncertain and sad:

Life in the Cat Cafe

Then, a kind woman took him into foster care, where he improved enough to go to the cat cafe. After a time, it looked like his luck had changed.

In March 2020, the cafe announced someone adopted him.

“Happy Jensen day!!! ⁣Jensen is one of the sweetest cats we’ve ever had the pleasure of loving at the café and he’s been adopted to a wonderful home!⁣”

Jensen on a cat tree

Unfortunately, the family soon returned him after he became stressed living in a crowded “tiny apartment.” So, the cat returned to the rescuers and to the cafe, where he became uncomfortable and sad again. Poor kitty. Surely, he had a broken heart. 

But there is a happy ending because Jensen stole his foster mom’s heart.

“It’s Jensen’s turn to take your order!⁣”

Jensen, Tuxedo cat at Good Luck Cat Cafe

From Rags to Riches

Here’s how the Lady Luck Animal Rescue described it:

“From rags to riches! Jensen (our longest cat in the rescue), who is about 7 years old, got officially adopted by the nice lady who rescued him over 3 years ago from the shelter after being there for over 100 days when his owner died,” they posted on Instagram.

Cat on carpet, tuxedo cat

Jensen Becomes Tux

While other cats found homes, Jensen didn’t trigger any interest. Finally, his foster mama decided he was meant to be forever.

“He is a great cat, has great pics, yet no one applied for him for over a year. On the adoption application, ‘Jensen said he wants to live with me forever and I feel the same.’ Jensen (now officially Tux) has won the lottery.” 

Cat under a table

Consider Adopting Older Cats

Did people pass on Jensen because he was an older cat? Or because he wasn’t happy to be back in a shelter again? He opened up and was so loving and thankful when allowed to bloom.

“Please think about the poor older cats who may not show as well when [you] visit adoption centers and shelters. They will be forever grateful, like Tux,” stated Lady Luck.

Below, is a video shared by Meowingtons, who sponsored his adoption fee in October 2021. The previous year, another group sponsored his adoption fee to help find him a home.

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