Here’s an out-of-this-world update on Noggin, an Abyssian kitten saved by a skilled rescuer after he suffered a serious head injury from his mother.
Noggin, the cat, was born into the world on February 20, 2022, and almost didn’t make it. A stressed momma almost eliminated him by obsessively licking his head, leaving his brain exposed. That’s when Arlington, VA, feline specialist Ellen Carozza from the NOVA Cat Clinic stepped in, bandaging Noggin’s noggin and carefully monitoring him each step of the way.
Carozza is also co-founder of, a nonprofit caring for critical feline neonate and pediatric cases.
When we shared the story in March, Noggin was the subject of a cute illustration by Pet Disneyfication like Cole and Marmalade were. It perfectly captured Noggin’s likeness and his adorable character.

Pet Disneyfication portrait of Noggin
🌟 Update on Noggin the Kitten! 🌟
When we last left off, Noggin’s satellite dish ears were coming in, and he was bonding with Ambrose, the beautiful white cat. He’s still doing that today, and when we blinked, he grew up!
“Is that a BLEP!??”
Images via Instagram/thecatlvt
Since then, Noggin’s head healed, and he didn’t need to wear his head bandages anymore. Then, he pulled through eye surgery and quickly recovered, thriving and exploring his world, learning how to do things like attack socks.
“His favorites. His bee, his bucket and his marker. 😂”
Below, you can see Noggin loves to explore a whimsical garden.
“Someone wanted to be a garden whimsy.”
🛸 The Cat from Outer Space 🛸
Also, it looks like Noggin is ready to explore other worlds, as he received a funny temporary “prosthetic eye,” and boarded a UFO, remaking a scene from the 1978 film, The Cat from Outer Space.
In the newer shot below, you can see “Noggin’s first cosplay.”
Noggin Loves His Rescuer
As you can see below, Noggin has bonded very closely with Carozza. He never wants her to go away for even a minute. However, he also has a crush on British TV personality Lucy Worsley.
“Grading partner #2.”
And now for the best update, this special kitty is a so-called “foster fail,” and will be staying forever with Ellen Carozza and her husband, Sci-Fi author D. Scott Johnson.
“Yes, for the 1,345,973 time, Noggin is staying with me.)”
In another close-up shot, he looks very much like a cat we know!
You can follow Noggin’s amazing progress on Instagram and learn more about the Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Foundation here.