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A recycling plant opened on Monday in the Oakland area. When they arrived, they got a big surprise because someone unexpected showed up for work that day. There, sitting in one of the office chairs was a black and white cat later named Priscilla. Covered in dirt and grime, she looked like she’d been through the wringer and needed a bath.

As cat lovers know, it’s very unusual to find a cat with dirty fur, as they are always grooming themselves. It seems that Priscilla went through something terrible, perhaps getting caught in the trash. However, we can only guess.

Priscilla the cat sits in an office chair in Oakland recycling centerImages via Instagram/ Feral Change

As it turns out, this girl was in seriously bad shape. Without finding help, she would have died within a short time.

dirty kitty face

Fortunately, she found the help she needed by showing up at the recycling center. Immediately, the staff called rescuers from Feral Change, an Oakland-area rescue.

“We rushed over and picked her up,” the rescue states on Instagram. “Priscilla was very dirty and very hungry.” 

Cat sitting in office chair, eating food in crate

Aside from being coated in grime and dirt, Priscilla was emaciated and had multiple injuries. Even so, she purred and begged for attention and affection from the rescuers.

recycling center, cat

Now, they could give Priscilla the veterinary care she desperately needed. Maybe, she knew someone would help her if she waited in the chair that day?

“Thank you to everyone who makes it possible for us to rescue cats like Priscilla!”

grimy, dirty cat shows up in recycling center

Priscilla Found Just in Time

In an update, Feral Change revealed more about Priscilla, who was very sick when they found her.

“Priscilla update! We picked up Priscilla after she found her way into the office of a local recycling facility. She was in rough shape, and it was touch and go for a while – so happy we found her when we did! In addition to a large wound on her leg, she received emergency surgery for pyometra, which is a very dangerous infection of the uterus requiring immediate intervention.”

Priscilla the cat recovers with her bunny

Priscilla the cat recovers with her bunny

For many cats, surgery is strongly recommended to treat pyometra, a serious and life-threatening condition. Thankfully, after receiving treatment, she recovered and went to a foster home. 

“She is now thriving in foster care and recovering well. Huge thanks to East Bay SPCA for taking such great care of her!” they wrote.

Who knows what the cat endured or why she showed up inside the recycling center that day? In the end, it led her to the people she needed in her time of need. Thanks to donations, the rescuers could provide her with life-saving care and help her find a new happy life.

“She looks better already!” wrote one person.

“Wow! She looks so much better and thank goodness she was found before her pyometra developed any further ❤️” wrote another person.

“Absolutely! It’s such a dangerous infection,” replied Feral Change.

See a video about Priscilla by Feral Change below. For more, you can follow Feral Change on their Instagram.


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