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Halfway Home Cat Rescue shared the story that someone dumped eight kittens at a dumpster during a hot summer day in Holyoke, Massachusetts. It was just before a storm on a Saturday.

According to local news, it happens all the time. Fortunately, trash collectors didn’t arrive before a witness found the kittens and called on rescuers for help. 

According to WWLP, one kitten was in a plastic bag while seven more were in a tote. It appeared to be kittens from two litters with four bottle feeders and four that were older. Unfortunately, all of them were too young to be without their mother, let alone in a dumpster. Four appeared to be about three weeks old, while the others were a little older.

“Three weeks old, the ones that we have, and there were four of them…The other ones were maybe four weeks old and again not old enough to be away from mom,” said Fiskaa.

“One kitten was near the tote in a plastic bag, the other kittens were in the tote,” said Fiskaa.

Halfway Home Cat Rescue president Robin Fiskaa already had her hands full with kittens when she received the call from Animal Control, which had no room to take the bottle-feeders. Fortunately, Fiskaa found a foster family who could care for the little ones around the clock. Also, the remaining kittens found help in another local shelter.

“If no one had found them or the trash collectors came and they didn’t look and they just tossed it in the dumpster and into the truck they would’ve been killed,” said Fiskaa.

All of the kittens were covered in fleas but otherwise ok. However, one of the smallest female kittens had only one ear.

You can see the kittens in action from WWLP News:

Halfway Home Cat Rescue Responds on Facebook

It’s impossible to comprehend how people can throw kittens in a dumpster. Why not give the kittens a chance by contacting a rescue group or veterinarian? Instead, some heartless person/s saw the kittens as disposable. 

“I was so angry about this yesterday I couldn’t even share this,” wrote Halfway Home Cat Rescue Inc.

They speak for everyone when they say:

“Someone in Holyoke put these four beautiful babies in a bag and threw it in a dumpster. Several more were discovered IN the dumpster, like trash. It’s completely outrageous and disgusting that someone would do this when there are so many options out there to surrender! It’s inexcusable. These monsters are an embarrassment to the human race. I hope karma gets them- and worse.”

Now, just look at these cute little fur babies:

Halfway Home Cat Rescue kittens from a dumpster Halfway Home Cat Rescue kittens from a dumpster Halfway Home Cat Rescue kittens from a dumpsterHalfway Home Cat Rescue kittens from a dumpster

Multiple Offers to Adopt the Kittens

In the Halfway Home Cat Rescue comments, hundreds of people were asking about adopting the cute kittens. Notably, their story appeared on many local news stations and even in PEOPLE magazine.

“We are honored to receive such recognition,” stated Facebook. “My goal is to hope that people realize that there are options out there to turn in unwanted animals, and we will continue to do what we do with love and compassion.”

However, these little beauties required foster care until ready for their adoption. Until then, Fiskaa said she received multiple DM’s from people willing and ready to adopt. 

Last week, the rescue group posted an update of what the four kittens look like today. As you can see, they’re beautiful! In a few more weeks, these beautiful kittens will be ready to find loving homes.

See more about Halfway Home Cat Rescue here.Kittens found in dumpster Kittens found in dumpster Kittens found in dumpster

See more from Western Mass News:

Featured image: Kittens via Facebook and dumpsters by drewplaysdrums via PixabayPixabay License

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