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Meet Anderson Mesa, an absolutely adorable, tiny black and white kitten rescued by Jen in Peoria, Arizona. She describes herself as a “Cat Herder” who devotes lots of time and effort to raising cute foster kittens. As you will see, Anderson Mesa takes after his beautiful momma, a feral cat named Clarity. In August 2021, Clarity was caught by rescuers who had tried to capture her for six long years! 

Anderson and his momma’s names come from a musical inspiration, a song called “Anderson Mesa” and “Clarity” by the band, Jimmy Eat World. Notably, the musical act comes from Mesa, Arizona.

At nine days old, Anderson Mesa is as cute as a button.

“… He’s 9 days old and gets real feisty if you hold him not swaddled in blankies. I’ll keep you in blankies, lil dude, no worries,” Jen wrote on Instagram.

Newborn Anderson Mesa Newborn Anderson Mesa 2

Below, we see the day Anderson’s eyes were open for the first time. 

Anderson Mesa kitten

Clarity After Six Years

For years, Clarity continued to have kittens that required rescue. Now, her recent litter and Anderson would be saved. 

“The colony caretaker has been trying to get this mama for 6 years, and I wish I could convey to you how absolutely ecstatic he was when he ran out of his yard to tell me she’d gone in the trap,” Jen wrote on Instagram.

Through a trap, neuter, and release (TNR) program, Clarity would be spayed and returned home, where a caretaker would continue to look after her.

“She wouldn’t be happy living inside, I’m glad her cycle is broken and she can retire from motherhood,” Jen explained.

After spending some time at a foster home, Clarity would return to her happy life, while Aderson and siblings would be safe and sound. However, the others in the “Clarity Crew” would go to another rescuer since they were even younger than he was.

In the meantime, the momma cat wasn’t enjoying herself very much. Since Clarity was nervous about people and her new surroundings, Jen watched from a cam. Then, she tended to the kittens as needed. 

“Clarity is not happy about being indoors. She’s quite scared and wasn’t eating or tending to Anderson. I took him yesterday and bottle-fed him overnight because he’d lost weight.”

To try and help Clarity, Jen kept telling her she would be going home soon.

Clarity, momma to Anderson Mesa

Clarity, momma to Anderson Mesa

Snug as a Bug

Before long, Clarity was off to the veterinarian. In the meantime, Jen pampered the kittens. Below, see Anderson Mesa looking “snug as a bug” in his swaddling blankets.

 Mr. Anderson at 2 1/2 Weeks Old 

A few days later, Jen shared some photos of Anderson that are just beyond cute. People just can’t get enough of that ridiculously adorable little face.

“Mr. Anderson is 2.5 weeks old, 304 grams, and perfect in every way.”

Anderson Mesa

Anderson Mesa Anderson Mesa Anderson Mesa

Fat and Happy

In another shot, you can see he is content as can be. Jen has to wake up every night to feed him, and he’s feeding quite nicely.

“I love walking past my dining room and seeing this fatty lounging.”


Anderson Mesa at Three Weeks Old

By three weeks old, Anderson is “funny and feisty” with “pointy downward floofs” on his little ears.

“My baby boy is 3 weeks old! He’s so funny and feisty and I love him to bits. Even though he sprayed me with pee and has tried to bite me twice. Jokes on you sir, you don’t have any teefs.”

Three-week-old Anderson

Anderson Mesa at Four Weeks Old

At four weeks, Andeson has grown considerably. Today, he’s going to the litter box and beginning to eat on his own too. He’s full of personality and when he looks grumpy, Jen notices he looks a little like Sam the Eagle from the Muppets. 

Soon, he would be ready to meet the others in the Clarity Crew.

“Anderson Mesa! Anderson turned 4 weeks old Saturday and he’s a chunky floof of a boy. Eats like a champion, started playing with toys and following my cats from side to side in his pen-house as they walk around, and he used the litter box on his own for the first time! 🎉 Next up weaning cause my boy is a big boy suddenly.”

In the comments, someone wrote, “I’ve never been more obsessed,” to which Jen responded, “He is worthy.”

We certainly agree! Check out “” on Instagram to see more of Anderson Mesa and many other adorable rescued kittens. As always, help out with a donation if you are able. It’ll help people like Jen raise more fur babies like Anderson for a lifetime of love and companionship.

Four-week-old kitten Four-week-old kitten 2Four-week-old kitten 4

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