I’m sure we should all do this more for our pets; brush them! People tend to think that their animals can handle their own purrsonal hygiene. Clearly we see them grooming themselves all day long. That’s where fur-balls come from people! HAHA
But if we want to help our beloved pets tend to their glorious fur, let’s make it enjoyable for all of us.
Like this Reddit user, who followed the trend of making hats from his cats own fur!
Okay, so maybe the final result isn’t enjoyable for us ALL. But when you are this cute, even “Resting Hiss Face” isn’t going to ruin it.
It’s only a 10-second video montage uploaded by new user Ainfluencer, from October first. The simple title reads “A collection of wool hats”.
And in that short time, the adorable images have garnered over 98 thousand vote and more than 730 comments!
All for one cat who happens to shed a lot of fur when brushed, and a bored human servant.
What better for the fur baby that enjoys a good flop…than a mini floppy hat?
Everyone must have a baseball cap or two in their wardrobe.
But don’t forget the seasonal must haves! Beanies with a poof on top are always a favorite when the temperatures drop.
Or if you’re feeling purrticularly creative, go for a combo like this Fez/Fedora mix. Fezora?
Regardless of your fur-shion sense, or lack of it, rock the fluff out!
Here are some examples. Get crafty and come share it on our Facebook page so we can see your skills.
EXCEPT IF YOUR CAT HATES IT! Then save your behind, don’t stress your cats and snuggle instead.
Related Story: Japanese Photographer Gets Creative With “Cat Hats” From Her Cats’ Sheddings
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