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Cats do lots of adorable things that make our cat-loving hearts skip a beat. There’s the cat loaf, for one. I purrsonally love this little position that hides their legs and makes them look like a loaf of bread. And, of course, we all love it when cats cross their front paws like purrfect little lords and ladies. But my very favorite of all is cat sploot!

Not entirely sure what a cat sploot is or purrhaps you’ve never heard that actual term before?

Well, the cat sploot is when your cat sits on their belly with their back legs extended out backwards behind them like a frog. There are dogs that sploot, too. The Corgi is notorious for sitting sploot style, and with their rumpy little tails and short legs, even a sworn cat lover such as myself can agree it’s downright adorable.

Instagram @CatLadyBox

The Three Types of Cat Sploots:

  • The Classic Sploot: One leg remains beneath the body while the other leg is kicked back
  • The Side Sploot (Left or Right): One leg is tucked under the body while the other is kicked out to the side. Often the animal is laying with on hip on the ground
  • The Full Sploot: The animal has kicked both legs behind the body, exhibiting a full body stretch

Any dog or cat has the ability to do this move, but that doesn’t mean that they all will. Do you have a splooter in your home? I have two, and I’ve provided photographic evidence to prove it!

My cat, Tom, showing off his cat sploot frog legs!

So, if you’ve got a frogger in your home, too, it turns out that your cat (or dog) does this for a few reasons. Let’s break them down:

1. Your Pet Enjoys A Nice Full Body Stretch

Like humans, when your cat stretches it releases tension in their body and relaxes them. You might notice that after a play session your cat will sploot as they relax. By pointing their legs backwards behind them this opens up their hips and releases the tension they might have had while stretching those long and lean muscles in their back legs. Think of it like a cat yoga position. Inhale, exhale…

My daughter’s kitten, Pepper, showing off his cat sploot!

2. This Is Comfortable To Them

Although not all humans are flexible, almost every single cat is. This is especially true for cats that maintain a healthy weight. Think about it. When your cat grooms himself, they can easily lift their back leg up over and behind their head to reach those hard to get to spots on their backside. Your cat is graceful and naturally very flexible. So although it probably wouldn’t be all that comfortable for us humans to sit like this, for them it is.

Photo property of Cole and Marmalade – it’s a baby Marm sploot!!!

3. Stretching Out This Way Cools Their Body Temperature

When it’s hot out, have your ever noticed your cat frogging on a cool surface like your kitchen tile or hardwood floors? A cat sploot is common in times when your cat is aiming to cool off their body temperature. So not only does this adorable position work to relax them, but it also serves as a technique to cool off their body and regulate their internal temperature. A cat’s body temperature is considered “normal” when it’s 101.5 degrees, and they also have all that lovely fur all over their body. So the frog style sit they do serves another meaningful purpose aside from making our hearts swoon.

Fun cat sploot fact: kittens and younger cats are most likely to sploot. This is due to the fact that their joints are looser.

Image Courtesy of

If your cat enjoys splooting this should not be cause for concern. Unless there are other accompanying symptoms, such as a loss of appetite, a rash on their underside, or limping, splooting is perfectly normal and is actually beneficial because it stretches the animal’s hips and increases flexibility.


Related Story: Cat Behavior: Here’s What Your Cat’s Tail Is Trying To Tell You

Related Video: How To Make Popsicles For Cats!

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