For most cat owners, we are the proud owners of multiple cats. And if you’re not and you’ve considered it, how do you know if your cat would enjoy having a second cat in your home? Of course, change is not always a good thing when it comes to your cat’s delicate mindset. But a slow introduction to second cat in your home can go well when done the right way. Wondering if your kitty would love having a cat friend in the home to become best fur friends furever? Here are some key signs that your cat would enjoy another cat in the home.
Kitty Likes To Play
Is your cat playful and seems to have endless energy? Well, having adding another cat to your family can help them to expend it in the purrfect way! This can be especially purrfect if you have a job that keeps you away from the home for extended hours each day. After all, if you don’t work hard you can’t give your cat the nice life he deserves. By adding another cat in with your family, this could help your active kitty to have someone to keep them company in your absence.
Myth Busted: Despite what some people (probably silly dog people!) may say, cats are not solitary animals. Sure, your cat is more independent and may not greet you each day when you return home, but cats can become depressed or anxious when left alone for too long on a routine basis.
And more so, cats are very tuned into their environment because they’re hardwired as predators. Their keen senses are on high alert for the sight, sound or smell of potential prey. So you may interpret as a cat being aloof. But it’s actually your exquisitely designed companion being ready for anything. Just because your cat may not jump to immediate attention when you call her name, doesn’t mean she’s aloof – she’s focused.
Affectionate Kitty Cat
Is your cat loving and sweet with you? Well, purrhaps they could dole out that love to another cat in the home as well! Cats that are gentle and loving are generally more accepting of other cats and do not seem them as a threat (or at least we think they don’t, for the most part!). Spread the love and add another cat so they can give their love to their new feline friend as well. Many shelter cats will have detailed descriptions telling about them, and if you find one that does well with other cats, this could be a purrfect match.
Kitty Misses Their Old Friend
Cats will grieve after the loss of a loved one, whether it’s a human or another cat. Sure, they aren’t going to tell you about it, but trust us, it does happen. If your cat once had another cat in the home that they got along with, chances are that they could be open to the idea of having a cat friend in their home once again. You will definitely need to go slow with the introduction and practice patience. Sometimes breakups, divorces, or people moving out of the home means that cats who were once bonded will be separated. While no cat can replace what they’ve lost in the absence of their best fur friend, it can help to mend a broken heart once some time passes and adding a new cat feels right for your family.
Lonely kitty on your hands? Certain changes in behavior, such as irregular sleeping, eating, or grooming habits, may indicate that a cat is lonely and could benefit from some feline companionship.
Clinger Cat
We love it when our cats grant us with their affection, but when it borderlines neurotic or obsessive behavior, this could be a sign that your cat would enjoy another cat in the home. Your cat doesn’t have the ability to tell you that they’re bored/restless/feeling insecure. Adding a second cat to your home could help to ease their uneasiness by relieving some of their anxiety. Now, at first it might not seem that way, but with time they could establish a lifelong bond that will bring them the companionship they crave.
Your Cat Suddenly Eats Much More Than Usual
While a medical issue can be signaled by changes to your cat’s eating behavior, boredom can lead to overeating for your cat. Lack of stimulation, both mental and/or physical, can have your cat eating more than they should out of boredom.
“Just like with people, the cat may turn to food because there’s nothing else to do,” says Pam Johnson-Bennett, a certified cat behavior consultant and owner of Cat Behavior Associates in Nashville.
(Obviously a medical issue can be another reason for your cat’s sudden desire to increase their food intake, so an assessment by your veterinarian should be your first course of action should they turn hungry hippo on you.)
Naughty Kitty
Your cat may have lots of energy that has them getting into trouble when their playful nature turns destructive. By adding another cat to your home, it might help them to redirect their energy in a more positive way.
“If there’s nothing to do and no one to play with, the cat will find something,” Johnson-Bennett says. “Because they’re predators, they are born to move and discover.”
Adding a second cat into your life is a serious decision for both you and your existing cat in your home. Do your homework and try finding the most suitable companion for them. This way the transition and pairing will work best for all parties involved. And when you see your cats bonding for the first time, we guarantee your heart will skip a beat!
My two are best fur friends, and I was so lucky to have had their pairing go off so successfully in hardly no time at all. Knowing that they have each other makes me happy, and as you can see, it makes them happy, too!
Related Story: Feral Kitten Shielded His Brother From California Fires; Now They’re Ready To Find A Loving Furever Home…Together!Related Video: How to Introduce 2 Cats
I’m wondering if my rescue kitten, approx 4 months old when I adopted her and now approx 11 months old, would benefit from another cat in the house. She has very few of the above behaviors: she is not cuddly/affectionate/clingy (loves to be pet, but hates to be held), is very well behaved, and has no eating issues. She does have a lot of energy. She is alone for 8-10 hours of the day while the people of the house are at work. She meows very loudly anytime she is closed outside of a room. I only adopted one cat because I live in a small apartment, and all of her siblings had already been adopted out, but all of her meowing makes me think she might benefit from a fur buddy. Is there any truth to how many cats you can have within a certain amount of space?
You may want to consult with a local rescue to get specific advice. Many rescues will provide foster-to-adopt, in other words, if it doesn’t work out, you can return the adopted cat so its available to be adopted to a more appropriate home. My personal thoughts are that since your cat is still young, she will likely adapt to another cat pretty easily, and I would encourage you to try that. Don’t worry about the “floor space” of your apartment home, vertical space (cat trees, window access) is probably more important.
My 2 kitties have been together since a few month old, i got them from the same shelter, and the pictures showed them sitting near each other. BUT now they seldom play together and never sleep together. I’d thought they were friends but sadly no. They are now almost 3 years. Will they ever grow closer?
Probably one of the most important things you can do to bond any pets together is to REGULARLY play with them together, even if one plays and the other just watches ;). They will bond to you, and in turn with each other. Also, don’t think that the lack of playing together and/or sleeping together is necessarily a bad thing. Even if they are only tolerant of one another, they DO have each other for company when you’re away. That’s a pretty good thing in and of itself! Just as a side note, look into what food they’re consuming — they might not have enough energy to do anything beyond vegging — cats are obligate carnivores, and do best on raw meat. Switch slowly from dried food, then if possible to grain-free/low carbohydrate canned food, and even to commercial raw food, and make sure they have enough clean fresh water. Check out for more info.
When you say “(probably silly dog people!)” are you saying probably some people with silly dogs?
’cause I know LOTS of those! 
I have a 4 year old rescue cat who stays home a lot when I go on family visits or work 8-10 hours a day. I am starting to see these lonely behaviors(not the eating) in her. I was thinking of getting her a friend from the rescue I adopted her from cause they do meet and greets. She’s a bit rough being a runt from the streets. I’m worried she won’t take to a roommate. I live in an apartment so it would be hard to separate them.
I want a My cat is one and a half years old. She’s a rescue and she loves her life and I love her. I’m 77. I have plenty of time and money to take care of another cat, but I’m not sure it would work out my cat being so spoiled, I don’t know what To do. Most rescues will not allow a meet and greet. They say it’s not necessary. I think it is.