Ava Marks of Canton, Ohio is a “crazy little cat lady” in training. She only wanted one thing this Christmas; to be reunited her lost kitten, Shiva.
It was November, the worst time for a lost kitten, in the cold rural area.
So he Marks family did what they could to bring the lost kitten back to safety. They held onto hope they’d reunite her with her adopted littermate, Simba. And the little girl who missed her most.
Simba and Shiva had been with the family since they were adopted at 8 weeks of age.
The Marks set out on foot in search of their lost kitten, hoping to find her shortly after her disappearance.
Worse yet, the Marks live in an area that is known for coyotes. So they feared that sweet little Shiva may have met her plight with one of the wild creatures.
“We kind of gave up looking for her after about a week or so with coyotes and things out where we live,” said Monique Marks, Ava’s mother.
Ava felt like she needed a miracle that only one person could give her this time of year.
And that was none other than Santa Claus.
“Dear Santa, Can you find my cat Shiva please. I really miss her. She is black and she is a kitty. From Ava Marks.”
It was all she could think to do to try and bring her dearly missed kitten.
“She wrote a letter to Santa asking to find her cat, because that’s literally the only thing she wanted for Christmas,” Monique told Fox 8 Cleveland News.
Two weeks later, Ava got her Christmas miracle.
The folks at Angels for Animals of Canfield, Ohio called with the shocking surprise.
Amazingly, little Shiva had been brought to Angels for Animals. And upon scanning her microchip, the lost kittens identity was confirmed!
“They called Saturday night and let us know she was there. Actually, my husband answered the phone over speaker phone in the car; our daughter’s face lit up.”
We don’t exactly know of Shiva’s whereabouts in the time of her absence, or how she found the means to survive. But we do know if not for her microchip the chance of her being reunited would have been slim to none.
The Marks also have microchips for their Shiva’s cat brother, Simba, as well as their two dogs.
Moral of the story? Sometimes you just gotta believe in the magic of the holiday spirit.
“(Ava) thinks he helped,” said Monique. “She said ‘I know he’s not the one who brought her to Angels for Animals,’ but she thinks he helped her.”
The next day, Angels for Animals shared the happy tail on their Facebook page. Not only to spread joy to fellow animal lovers though. But also to serve as a friendly reminder to always have your pets microchipped.
“Microchipping is the best and cheapest insurance you can buy for your pet…Happy endings like this are priceless.”
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I do believe in miracles.
My mother once prayed with a girl who cried necause she lost her precious little bead on a floor full of cracks. And you know what? They’ve found it. If miracles happen for a kid who lost a bead, why not for a kid who lost his cat friend? ♥
Although Gizzy, Thori & now angel Sisi´ve been pure indoor cats & we live on the 5th floor of an appartment (where the house administration does NOT allow to put a cat net on the balcony, the landlord would, but not them) Gizzy has an old tattoo that his former mummy Anna got him when he´s been spayed/neutered, and Thori´s wearing a tag with his ID number on his collar, both´re registered at @Tasso, the bigger of 2 free pet registers in Germany, and Angel Sisi who never ever even entered the balcony also had a tag & has been registered there, the smaller pet register´s “Findefix” from the @Tierschutzbund here, on the way to the vet, either by taxi or with the pet ambulance, cats can eventually escape from the carrier, or maybe there´s a fire on your floor & you have to evacuate (in our scyscraper here it´s been burning several times yet, but fortunately never on our floor) & the cats escape somehow from the carrier, then it can help you reunite with them when they´re microchipped or tattoed AND registered, here YOU have to do this, the vet doesn´t do it, unfortunately many people forget that, then the microchip or tattoo (on older cats) is absolutely worthless, I´m so happy the lil girl got her beloved kitty back!!!