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How often have you ever wondered if cats can understand complex language? If you are owned by cats, then you will, no doubt, be aware that your cats understand certain words such as; dinner, hungry, treats. What’s even more evident is that cats will listen and respond or choose to ignore our words and ignore us.  This is one of the things we love about the feline community and why we choose to be owned by cats in the first place. Meowing is a way that most cats will respond to their servants whether it’s a way to show love or their displeasure. But Flounder has found another way to express herself.

Flounder and her buttons.

Flounder and her servant have developed a unique way of communicating as shown on Instagram @Flounder_Meatloaf . We see various buttons that vocalizes one word phrases she can use to express herself. Flounder will step on the button to let her servant know what she wants. We can also see that there are many many buttons showing many different words.

It doesn’t take a lot to imagine the conversations one could have with one’s cat. Think of the valued information one could decipher if we could just ask our cats what they think. Do they like the new addition to the house? Do they like the new toy we spent valued time picking out for their amusement or maybe, what do they think of us?

What does Flounder have to say?

What is evident is that Flounder knows what she wants and how to communicate her desires by stepping on various buttons. In one specific video, she says that she has an ouch. Her servant asks “you have an ouch?” to which Flounder steps on the ouch button again. Her servant thinks that she has an ouch on her paw. But Flounder then steps on the tummy button and suddenly, her servant knows that Flounder has a tummy ache!

There are those who would assume that this interaction is just a cat that knows these buttons make sounds and that these sounds will create a reaction from their servant. But as this video progresses, we can see that poor Flounder does indeed have a tummy ache. Because about ten minutes later, Flounder vomits and lays down to rest. All is well.

Flounder has expelled that pesky fur ball and her servant is left to clean up the mess. But at least she warned her it was coming, right? 

Most of us do not have an elaborate button maze to communicate with our pets. What we do have are fur babies that probably know how to push our buttons and get what they want. But that’s OK because we love them and will do whatever it takes to make their life perfect. Just as it should be! 



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