Single kittens miss out on so much in the all-important early days of life. As solo orphans, they don’t get care from their mama and, as a result, are usually malnourished and sickly. But they also don’t get to be with their siblings, missing out on all the things kittens learn from each other.
After a quarantine phase for at least a couple of weeks, a foster parent’s goal is always to find a friend for single kittens. It’s so very hard to see them lonely and extremely challenging to patiently wait until it’s safe. But if all goes well, the rewarding moment of introducing their first friend finally comes!
Witnessing their first meeting is often hilarious. Kittens with ‘single kitten syndrome‘ are awkward and have no clue how to behave themselves. It just goes to show why adopting bonded duos or trios is almost always the best idea.
A Single Kitten’s Very First Friend
Abdul’s Cats caught the cutest moments when Moose, a single kitten, met his first friend, Muffin, a calico cutie also rescued on her own.

Images via Instagram/abdulscats
Although she’s smaller, she’s a bit older and has no problem holding her ground as Moose clumsily tries to ‘inhale her.”
“Moose lost it 🤣 he’s tripping all over himself and is actually trying to inhale her! She was patient about it at first but has since put Moose in his place, lol,” shared Abdul’s Cats.
Images via Instagram/abdulscats
Video via Instagram/abdulscats
Muffin Teaches Her New Friend a Thing or Two
In part two, Muffin has decided her new friend needs some schooling. Moose may be bigger, but she’s the one in control and isn’t about to be pushed around!
“Muffin trying to teach Moose how to play 🤣 .He wasn’t ready for all that sass from such a small thing,” Abdul’s Cats shared.
Video via Instagram/abdulscats
Moose Still Has a Lot to Learn
By part three, Moose still hadn’t learned his lesson and tried to regain some control. After making a timid advance, he quickly realized what he was up against and made a hasty retreat – right off the edge of the chair!
But don’t worry, Moose wasn’t at all discouraged. After endless wrestling matches, they didn’t behave like single kittens anymore. It took some time, but they learned about boundaries and how to have a great time together without going too far.
“Moose tried to step to Muffin but it did not end well 😂 Moose has since learned to play with Muffin and is even knocking her down on occasion,” Abdul’s Cats shared.
Video via Instagram/abdulscats
You can see more of this super cute duo on Instagram at Abdul’s Cats, as well as YouTube and TikTok. They also have the cutest “Cats and Kindess” coloring book that Abdul colored while Moose supervised.

Image via Instagram/abdulscats