Keebo, ‘the Awesome Mini Kitty,’ is a furever kitten from Piqua, Ohio. Her name translates to ‘Hope,’ and she brought that in abundance to the family who saved her.
Her self-described ‘Grammy’ Carol rescued her after meeting her at a shelter with her daughter. The kitten has large, polydactyl (extra toes) on her back feet, which she uses to her advantage. At birth, she had shortened and twisted front legs.

Images via Facebook/Keebo the Awesome Mini Kitty
At first, the mom and daughter planned to adopt an adult cat, knowing they usually have a harder time finding a home. But then shelter staff introduced them to a tiny kitten huddled in a big kennel. The minute Keebo locked eyes with Carol, she knew the kitten was coming home with her.
“So this kid went and got this teeny tiny kitten out of her cage, put her on the hard cement floor and told us to ‘watch her crawl. At that time, Keebo literally army crawled across the floor. She used her front paws to drag herself! I was in total shock!”
Images via Facebook/Keebo the Awesome Mini Kitty
Keebo Locked Eyes with Her Grammy
Although they continued to see the adult cats, it was Keebo who came home with them that day.
“…I could not take my eyes off this precious lil thing all huddled up at the back of this huge kennel! And, her eyes never left mine!” she recalled. “Every time I looked at Keebo, her eyes were pleading with me! She stole a piece of my soul that day. Needless to say, we brought her home!” Carol said.
Once at home, it took a while for Keebo to adjust. She was “skittish and scared,” but then, one day, Grammy awoke to find the kitten curled up beside her. From then on, they have been inseparable.
Soon after adopting the kitten, Grammy faced serious health challenges, but the kitten worked wonders to help her own recovery. The kitten stayed by her side as she recovered from multiple surgeries.
Video by Meow As Fluff about Keebo:
Keebo Has Radial Aplasia
Keebo was born with radial aplasia, missing bones in her front legs and paws. And yet, as if to compensate, she has extra large back feet like a “jackrabbit” and a long tail that helps her balance and jump. Never aware of being different, she can jump high and walk on her back feet “like a T-Rex.”
Although healthy and happy, she can’t land on her feet like most cats and risks an awkward “face-plant.” So she needs some simple home accommodation to keep her safe. Otherwise, she’s happy, playful, and adorable in every way.
“She may just be purrfect!” shared Keebo- The Awesome Mini Kitty
Adopted at a few weeks old, she turned 13 years old in September but still looks very much like a kitten.
“You live up to your Princess title, and maybe a little bit of a drama queen but oh, how you are loved!”
A Team of Fans from All Over the World
On Facebook, she’s gained over 370K fans from all over on “Team Keebler,” who adore her unique purrsonality. Each year, they send Christmas cards and gifts to the family. Grammy and PawPaw read each card and are still amazed at how much support and love people have shown their pretty kitty.
She’s purrfect the way she is, and they are so happy for all the love she’s brought them.
“She has truly blessed my life. Every single day, I’m so thankful my daughter ‘convinced ” me that my husband ‘wouldn’t mind’ if we got another kitty!” Carol shared.
She loves life with Carol and family, her fellow rescued cats, and doggie siblings. For more, you can follow Keebo and friends on Facebook and YouTube.
“Oh, how Keebo loved her bubby, Charlie Brown! He was the most patient dog and let Keebo do whatever she wanted! He was her personal playground,” Carol shared.
Video by Keebo the Awesome Mini Kitty: