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So what’s your cat zodiac sign? Wait. Your what?! Well, you’re about to find out through some stunning artwork from a cat lover and crystal Moon goddess from the Jersey Shore.

“Moonstruck Crystals” started when artist Kara Pavlik left the corporate rat race to pursue what was close to her heart, which lucky for us, included cats. Hey, we can totally relate! When she took that leap of faith, she found out it was the best decision, living her dream and finding kindred spirits along the way.

Along with a passion for astrology, crystals and art, Kara loves kitties like we do. Love for cats goes back thousands of years, like the study of the stars and constellations. Long ago, cats traveled on the Silk Road, carried along with the earliest knowledge about Astrology and the study of Astronomy. 

Today, the zodiac is still part of modern life, although mostly for entertainment. Some have even tried to understand both cats’ and dogs’ purrsonalities by observing their zodiac signs. However, a study has suggested it’s the “cat people” tend to be more “creative, philosophical or nontraditional” when compared to “dog people.” 

Does that mean cat lovers might be more interested in such topics as astrology? And is there something to it? We’ll leave that to you to decide, but it’s definitely fun, especially when cats are involved!

Images via Instagram/moonstruckcrystals

Cat Zodiac Signs from the Water Element

First, we’ll look at the cat zodiac signs, which have the water element: Cancer (6/22-7/22), Scorpio (10/23-11/21), Pisces (2/19-3/20).

Below, we have the most beautiful cat from the sea, Cancer, a sign of nurturing energy and ever-changing moods. This sign is known for maturity, loyalty, and a deep well of strong and sensitive emotions. They are also known for being highly intuitive and compassionate but protective.

Moonstruck Crystals, Kara Pavlik, Jersey Shore, Astrology, Zodiac Cats, Cancer

Images via Instagram/moonstruckcrystals

Here’s the cutest scorpion-cat hybrid for Scorpio, ready to use that stinger if necessary. But this sign is known for being devoted, giving, passionate, guarded, and intuitive, following their gut instincts. Does this describe you or your Scorpio kitty?

Moonstruck Crystals, Kara Pavlik, Jersey Shore, Astrology, Zodiac Cats, Scorpio

Images via Instagram/moonstruckcrystals

The Pisces cat zodiac is all love, gently playing with a golden fish. Does this gentle, accommodating, laid-back way of life remind you of your Piscean friends? According to an astrologer, Pisces is one of the signs most likely to be a cat person. The others are Capricorn and Aquarius, ruled by the cats’ ruling planet, Saturn, and Leo, the cat star of the zodiac. 

“The Egyptians worshiped their cats, and as far as Pisces are concerned, so should we,” shared Yahoo!

Moonstruck Crystals, Kara Pavlik, Jersey Shore, Astrology, Zodiac Cats, Pisces

Images via Instagram/moonstruckcrystals

Cat Zodiac Signs from the Air Element

Next, we have the exquisite cat zodiac signs with the Air element: Gemini (5/21-6/21), Libra (9/23-10/22), Aquarius (1/20-2/18).

Here’s the cute Gemini cat, complete with rainbows and butterflies in the air. They’re described as fun-loving “inspirational cheerleaders” but with a highly-complex dual nature. They are versatile and enjoy change more than most. 

Moonstruck Crystals, Kara Pavlik, Jersey Shore, Astrology, Zodiac Cats, Gemini

Images via Instagram/moonstruckcrystals

Next, we have the cat zodiac sign of Libra, a refined and airy intellectual peacemaker with a desire for harmony and balance who analyzes things from all sides and likes to avoid annoying conflicts. But conflicts always arise, which can be worrying for the sign of balance and justice.

Moonstruck Crystals, Kara Pavlik, Jersey Shore, Astrology, Zodiac Cats, Libra

Images via Instagram/moonstruckcrystals

Here is Aquarius – not a water sign, but a visionary, adventurous water-bearer. Some say the Aquarius can be introverted and distant, but that stems from their self-assured, unconventional independence. Does that sound like an Aquarius that you know? According to one expurrt, Aquarius could arguably be the most cat-like sign of all.

Moonstruck Crystals, Kara Pavlik, Jersey Shore, Astrology, Zodiac Cats, Aquarius

Images via Instagram/moonstruckcrystals

Cat Zodiac Signs from the Earth Element

The zodiac signs with the earth element are Taurus (4/20-5/20), Virgo (8/23-9/22), and Capricorn (12/22-1/19).

First, we have a Taurus kitty with the cutest mushrooms and a woodsy charm. A Taurian motto is “work hard, play hard,” while their second motto could be “Try me,” says astrologist Lisa Stardust. So this kitty is protecting their peace, and it might be best not to disturb it (or else). Otherwise, Taurians tend to be incredibly patient, loyal, hard-working, and lovers of the finer things in life.

Moonstruck Crystals, Kara Pavlik, Jersey Shore, Astrology, Zodiac Cats, Taurus

Images via Instagram/moonstruckcrystals

Next, we have the Virgo, complete with earthy but prickly cactus. “No touchy!” says this cat zodiac sign, known for their considerate, giving, nature. But they are also notorious for being sharp, extremely accurate, and organized many times.

Moonstruck Crystals, Kara Pavlik, Jersey Shore, Astrology, Zodiac Cats, Virgo

Images via Instagram/moonstruckcrystals

Meanwhile, this adorable Capricorn kitty of the Sea is known to be highly grounded, driven and determined. However, they may be too hard on themselves if they don’t meet their high goals for personal success. They are not one for leaving loose ends and like to finish what they start.

Moonstruck Crystals, Kara Pavlik, Jersey Shore, Astrology, Zodiac Cats, Capricorn

Images via Instagram/moonstruckcrystals

Cat Zodiac Signs from the Fire Element

Finally, we have the fire cats, a phrase we’ve used many times for cats who have literally survived the flames. Fire signs are Aries (3/21-4/19), Leo (7/23-8/22), and Sagittarius (11/22-12/21). Stardust calls these the “sparky firecrackers of the zodiac,” light-bringers full of the sparks of life.

First, we have the cat zodiac sign for Aries, which made us chuckle, the “walking flamethrower.” Well, this sign is the first of the zodiac and likes to remain first, a quick-witted powerhouse you’d definitely want on your side. Although they are coming from a good place, the Aries can catch people off guard because they don’t tend to hold back much.

Moonstruck Crystals, Kara Pavlik, Jersey Shore, Astrology, Zodiac Cats, Aries

Next, we have the mischievous-looking Leo the Lion, full of the Sun’s blazing energy. There’s never a dull moment as the Leo is ready and able to shine on whatever stage they find themselves on. For a Leo, ruled by the Sun, living with house cats (ruled by Saturn), could help keep Leos grounded, according to one astrologist.

Moonstruck Crystals, Kara Pavlik, Jersey Shore, Astrology, Zodiac Cats, Leo

Images via Instagram/moonstruckcrystals

Last, but not least, we have the free-spirited Sagittarius cat. As we know, cats tend to be curious, and this sign is known for a “never-ending well of curiosity,” says Stardust. They are also like cats in that they can’t be pinned down and will only stay “on their own accord.” Sagittarius is known for being great educators, travelers, and philosophers, but are well-armed with their arrows if you cross them.

Moonstruck Crystals, Kara Pavlik, Jersey Shore, Astrology, Zodiac Cats, Sagittarius

Images via Instagram/moonstruckcrystals

We love all these beautiful cat zodiac signs! You can follow and support the artist at Moonstruck Crystals on InstagramFacebook, and TikTok. There are many more astrological cats to see!



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