A wealthy Tampa woman, Nancy Sauer, died at age 84 on November 26, 2022. Her son and husband previously passed, and she left a specific will to ensure her 7 beloved Persian kitties would have all they needed to live together in her $2.5 million home.
According to Sauer’s friend Yana Alban, the will states the estate may not be sold until the last cat passes away. All the cats receive an inheritance, still being worked out by attorneys. Sauer reportedly left a donation to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay of an as-yet undetermined amount.

Images by Chloe Trofatter/ Jefferee Woo/Tampa Bay Times
Judge Rules Cats Must Find New Homes
The 5-year-old cats lived in the 4,000-square-foot house for almost six months, with a pet sitter checking on them multiple times daily. But for the past month, all the cats went to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay to find new homes. A Hillsborough County probate judge ruled that the cats needed to find new homes. Fortunately, the Humane Society took them in, but is this what Mrs. Sauer intended?

Images by Chloe Trofatter/ Jefferee Woo/Tampa Bay Times
Although Sauer’s friend says she didn’t want the cat placed in a new home, that’s what’s happening. It’s unclear why a live-in guardian could not be appointed, and we can only speculate, but many people were asking this question on social media. You can imagine how many people said they would have loved to have been the feline’s live-in caretaker. Many people also found it heartbreaking to see the cats removed from the property despite Sauer’s stipulations.
Nancy Sauer Dearly Loved Her Cats
After passing away, Sauer’s obituary said nothing about her other than her date of birth and death. Alban remembers Sauer as a huge cat lover above all, while others remembered her as a “proud mother, businesswoman, fashionista.”
“‘The deal is that the house was not to be sold until the last cat passed,” Alban said because Sauer was worried it would be difficult on her pets if they were separated or placed in a new home,” the Tampa Bay Times reported.
Considering the Tampa estate’s large size, the Humane Society of Tamp Bay’s executive director, Sherry Silk, suggests the cats will be better off. Each will have a “substantial” inheritance to cover all their expenses forever. Hopefully, most or all will stay together but now it looks like that won’t be in the estate.
“Cats shouldn’t be left by themselves in a big house. I am going to personally make sure that we can keep as many together as we can and that they go to the perfect house,” Silk stated.
“They’re only five years old. Persians can be expensive and persnickety,” Silk said.
The Tampa Bay Times reported the cats would be up for adoption. We’re sure the Humane Society will do its best to find the best homes. Hopefully, many of the cats can stay together.
Nancy Sauer Passed 3 Days After Birthday with Cats
Three days before passing away, Sauer celebrated her November birthday with Alban, her nurse, and her beloved cats:
- Cleopatra
- Goldfinger
- Leo
- Midnight
- Napoleon
- Snowball
- Squeaky
A recent estate sale drew huge crowds to her Tampa estate to sell off everything inside. By then, the cats were safely at the Humane Society. Now, what becomes of the remaining empty house?
Images by Chloe Trofatter/ Jefferee Woo/Tampa Bay Times