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A DC Metro-area rescuer took in two extra-spicy kittens, Kimchi and Wasabi. The two sisters were suspicious of their foster mom, spitting and hissing and trying to look big and tough. But she kept working with them to show that humans aren’t so bad. 

Socializing semi-feral kittens means they can spend their lives as pampered pets without returning to a dangerous outdoor life.

Images, media via Instagram/ shibuyarollcall

The spicy kittens found themselves at a shelter with their feral mother and siblings. Since they were no longer nursing, the mama cat was fixed and released, and two siblings went to another foster for socializing. As you can see, these two sisters were extra spicy and would need lots of patience and time to realize they were not in any danger.

When starting out with a hissy foster kitten, one time-tested method is humorously called the “purrito,” gently holding them loosely with as soft towel (If you try it, be sure not to wrap fragile kittens too tightly.). Below, Wasabi gets the purrito treatment.

Kimchi and Wasabi on Day Four

After four days of socializing, Kimchi and Wasabi were making big progress.

“Kimchi still has her moments but has made quite the transformation in the past 4.5 days – she even started purring on day 3! 🎵 Wasabi’s taking a big longer to coax but she’s making small progress every single day. We went from her spitting and swatting at me on day 1, to her willingly coming up to me to eat some Churu off my finger on day 4 ♥️ And now they’re both comfortable enough to play around me, so it’s looking promising! 🥰”

By day five, the kittens began playing with their foster mom and getting rowdy on the dance floor!

Kimchi, the Reformed Spice Kitten

A week into the socializing, Kimchi was already climbing into Asa’s lap for cuddles. Once she was out of quarantine, Kimchi got to play with lots of new and adorable foster friends. 

Meanwhile, Wasabi proved spicier, but the foster mom hoped she would soon have two “newly reformed spicy kittens.” Being separated from her sister, hissy Wasabi had to focus on more one-on-one time with her foster mom, which helped her realize she wasn’t “all that bad.” The sooner she learned to trust, the sooner she could make new friends.

Wasabi’s Sudden Transfurmation

With lots of patience and love, Wasabi was finally letting her guard down, but still reflexively hissed and ran away. But Asa was determined to “make Wasabi love me,” as her New Year’s Resolution.

“We’ve made so much progress over the past week and she’s turned into quite the purr bucket, but her reflex is still to hiss and/or run away from me any time I approach her 🙁. We’ve still got some work to do, but we’re definitely one step closer to saying goodbye to her spicy days!”

Then, suddenly, Wasabi transformed. One day, she came down a cat tree and boldly approached her foster mom. Both kittens started mewing to talk to her. 

“Spicy, no more (with me at least lol)! 🥳 I’m still in disbelief over Wasabi’s (seemingly overnight) transformation! 🥹 “

Kimchi and Wasabi the foster kittens, Asa, Arlington, Virginia, shibuyarollcall

Kimchi and Wasabi Meet Wobbly Bunny

While Wasabi remained shy, both kittens made tremendous progress. They graduated to meet many new playmates. One day, they made a new furriend, a foster bunny named Kumar, with neurological issues. He is endearingly wobbly but otherwise fine.

As frequently happens in this foster home, there is magic as bunnies, dogs, and kittens all love one another.

Kimchi, Wasabi and Kumar the bunny in the back, Arlington, VA

Furever Homes for All

And just like that, Kimchi and Wasabi found a home and would be together forever. It’s hard to say goodbye, but for fosterers, “Goodbye is the Goal,” so more lives can be transformed and saved.

“I’m so proud of these two for learning to trust. Now they’ll get to grow up indoors in a safe, loving home instead of out on the streets,” Asa shared.

The morning they were about to head off to their families, the kittens seemed to know it was time to say goodbye.

“Just one more Kimchi + Wasabi (& Kumar) post because they were being extra cute this morning before they left ,and I need to share the cute content…🥲🥹 Kumar hopped over to Kimchi to lay next to her, and took a quick nap together. Wasabi was being extra sweet, crawling into my lap and purring non-stop as if to say thank you. They must’ve all known this was #goodbye 🥲,” Asa wrote.

Not long afterward, Kumar the bunny was also adopted to a loving home with other bunnies. But maybe he’ll never forget that time he cuddled with two formerly spicy kittens.

For more, you can follow Asa on Instagram and the Animal Welfare League of Arlington.


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