Rescuers in Denver shared the happy story of the “Honeymooners,” Ralphie and Trixie. The story could have been a sad one, but thanks to advances in treatment for FIP, it has a wonderful ending. And someone out there could make it even happier.
The two tightly-bonded kitties met as kittens after volunteers with Forgotten Felines Rescue Denver found them living in two separate cat colonies. At the time, they were only a few weeks old and could adjust easily to the life of house cats, unlike many other cats accustomed to the outdoor life.
Unsurprisingly, both had some health issues to overcome. Trixie was underweight while her new boyfriend had an upper respiratory infection. But thanks to their rescuers, they would receive all the necessary care, vaccinations, microchips, spaying, and neutering.

Images via Facebook/Forgotten Felines Rescue Denver
Love at First Sight for Trixie and Ralphie
As soon as Ralphie (gray tuxie) and Trixie (white Siamese) met in their foster home, it was love at first sight. They bonded instantly and were always playing and cuddling together.
After they bonded, their foster mama, Laura, decided the two would be adopted together when it was time. Everything seemed to be working out purrfectly for the “Honeymooners,” but then the unexpected happened.
It looked like Trixie and Ralphie were ready for their Honeymoon in a new forever home. But then, it seemed like it might be over when Laura found out Ralphie was positive for FIP, or feline infectious peritonitis. It’s an uncommon diagnosis that is often deadly for cats. But don’t worry, Ralphie’s story takes a happy turn.
Ralphie Beats FIP Thanks to New Treatment!
Thanks to advances in treating FIP, Ralphie’s rescuers were able to start the kitten on a new treatment protocol. Amazingly, they shared with us that Ralphie was cured after several months of testing and treatment! Their foster mom says Trixie helped Ralphie’s recovery too, and they bonded even closer.
Both have clean bills of health and are once again ready to find their furever family at the time of this writing. We’re thrilled there are improved treatments for cats with FIP, which is associated with the common feline coronavirus. Many cats are exposed to the virus, but most remain healthy. In a few cases, they develop FIP.
Cats living in stressful situations like a feral colony may be more susceptible. Feline coronavirus does not affect people, per the CDC. However, the clinical trials to treat cats with FIP could lead to treatments to help kids with similar inflammatory health problems too. It’s one more case where cat research helps people.
Today, Ralphie and Trixie the Honeymooners are both over 1.5 years old and ready to settle down in a quiet home. Those in the Aurora, CO, area can find out more at Forgotten Felines Denver on Facebook or on their website.
May the lovebird’s Honeymoon continue for many years to come!