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A tiny Moonbeam arrived at a Washington DC-area foster home. The adorable tabby was one of the very lucky ones to make it, thanks to rescuers and foster mom Sara. 

Immediately Moonbeam charmed everyone who saw her. She was a perfect little cutie. But soon, she would join fellow foster babies Liliana and Rosa, two of the cutest kittens you could imagine. That’s how rescuers from the Arlington-based Kitten College Program described them.

“Have you ever seen cuter kittens than Rose and Liliana? 🥺”

Liliana and Rosa, two kittens cared for by Sara Lanz, AWLA Kitten College Program, Arlington

Rosa and Liliana via Instagram/kittencollege_awla

There was a lot of cuteness going on in this foster home. But for now, the kittens stayed separate. Moonbeam had to go through quarantine before meeting her new friends. 

Moonbeam the cutest tabby kitten

Images and media via Instagram/tiny_kitten_nuggets

Moonbeam Tries to Look Fierce

Although Moonbeam looked like all sweetness, she did her best to be big and tough. Sara caught that most coveted of foster kitten moments on video. It’s when they do that ridiculously cute crab walk trying to look menacing. Instead, it has the opposite effect and just triggers laughter.

Tabby kitten does the crab walk to look menacing

“She’s so scary!!! Such a tough baby 😂,” commented one person.

“Fierce for about 30 seconds🔥 Then she melted into a purry cuddle nugget,” the rescuer replied.

Moonbeam is All Cuddles and Purrs

After 30 seconds of attempting to look fierce, Moonbeam was “all cuddles and purrs.” She was the mildest of kittens on the spiciness index, cuddling up to Sara.

“Moonbeam is all cuddles and purrs. Spice level: 0/10 🫑”

Sara Lanz with tabby foster kitten

In another video, Moonbeam is happy to share some of her sweetness with everyone. Being offered a soft spotted belly is another coveted reward for caring for kittens.

“Moonbeam 🌝”

Can all this cuteness be for real?! Well, Sara posted the cutest peek-a-boo with Moonbeam, and it might be even cuter.

“I can’t handle all the cuteness!” said one person.

A Magical Moment

Like a moonbeam on a starry night, it was only there for a magical moment. And just like that, the kittes were ready to head off into the wild blue yonder. But by saying goodbye, Sara could save more equally-cute kittens’ lives. You can follow and help support them on Instagram.

Moonbeam and friends were all of age and graduated to the Arlington-based AWLA Kitten College Program. The college has saved thousands of neonatal kittens since it started in 2017. Foster volunteers like Sara can receive training and support and there are six satellite campuses.

“AWLA offers apprenticeships to shelter and rescue staff from all over the country to equip them with the knowledge and skills to establish their own kitten nursery,” their website states.

You can learn more about AWLA’s Kitten College Program on Instagram.



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